Budget Calculation Tool

Budget Calculation Tool

Budget Considerations:

Funding plan for the proposed degree [78042.f.2]

The funding plan section of the community college baccalaureate degree program manual provides tips for developing a budget and securing the necessary funding for the program. Here is a summary of the key considerations outlined in the section:

  1. Enrollment Projections: Determine the expected number of students enrolling in the upper division courses over a 4 to 5-year period. Use program review data and other relevant information to forecast enrollment numbers accurately.

  2. Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTES): Calculate the FTES based on the enrollment projections. This metric is used to determine the apportionment funding from the state.

  3. Units per Student and Additional Revenue: Calculate the number of units per student for upper division courses offered each year. Use this information along with the enrollment projections to estimate additional revenue generated from the $84/unit fee along with any other applicable fees (e.g. non-resident fee).

  4. Facilities and Equipment Expenditures: Identify and estimate the costs associated with facility and equipment needs. This includes considerations such as physical renovation, classroom furniture, electrical upgrades, additional equipment, and instructional technology like computers and printers.

  5. Additional Staffing: Determine the staffing requirements for the baccalaureate program. This may include contract faculty hires, adjunct load for upper division and general education courses, advisors/counselors, and classified support staff. Consider the associated costs for salaries, benefits, and any other related expenses.

  6. Other Operating Expenditures: Identify and estimate various operating expenses necessary for the program's success. This may include materials and supplies, library and learning resources (such as databases and books), maintenance costs, new faculty office costs, curriculum development for new courses, professional development for faculty, and student advising and outreach materials.

By considering these factors and estimating the associated costs, colleges can develop a comprehensive funding plan for their community college baccalaureate degree program. It helps ensure that the program has the necessary resources and financial support to operate effectively and provide a quality educational experience for students.


Budget Calculation Tool

The budget planning summary tool provided in the baccalaureate degree program manual is a valuable resource to assist colleges in their budget planning process. The tool consists of six working tabs and four summary tabs that generate reports. Here is a summary of the tool's components:

  1. Program Revenue Estimator: This tab helps colleges estimate the program revenue by considering factors such as enrollment projections, the number of units per student, and resident and nonresident fees. It assists in forecasting the potential revenue generated by the baccalaureate degree program.

  2. Classroom Expenses: The classroom expenses tab focuses on estimating the costs associated offering upper division courses. The estimated salary for a faculty member is determined by their contracted rate, which is based on their educational background and years of experience. The tool accounts for faculty members moving up a step on the salary schedule as determined by the collective bargaining agreement. It also includes the cost of benefits.

  3. Non-Classroom Expenses: This tab helps colleges estimate non-classroom expenses that may be required for the program. It could include costs related to student support services or other non-instructional areas.

  4. Contract Expenses: The contract expenses tab focuses on estimating costs of the program director (if applicable), as well as district support from evaluators and student services technicians.

  5. NANCE Expenses: NANCE stands for Non-Academic & Non-Classified Expenditures. This tab assists in estimating expenses related to non-academic and non-classified staff members involved in the baccalaureate program.

  6. Operating Expenses: The operating expenses tab allows colleges to estimate various ongoing operating costs required for the program. This may include expenses such as materials and supplies, library resources, maintenance costs, professional development, and student support services.

Additionally, the tool includes four summary tabs that generate reports based on the data entered into the working tabs: program revenue, program expenditures, operating expenditures, and indirect expenditures.

By utilizing this budget planning summary tool, colleges can systematically estimate their revenue and expenses, which enables effective financial planning for the baccalaureate degree program. It provides a comprehensive overview of the program's financial aspects and helps colleges make informed decisions regarding budget allocation and resource management.

Budget Calculator: Introduction Tab

Budget Calculation Tool

Click on appropriate title under Working Tab to input data

Image of the Introduction page for the Funding Calculator

Budget Calculator Sample Program Expenditure Summary


SDCCD Shelly L. Hess Dean Instructional Services and Victor DeVore Dean Student Services

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