California Community College Chancellor's Office BDP Application
This section of the baccalaureate degree manual outlines the requirements and guidelines for obtaining approval for a new baccalaureate degree program in California Community Colleges. The legislation limits the approval to 15 degrees per application cycle. The eligibility requirements include:
Board of Governors Fee Waiver: The district must have a policy that mandates potential students applying for a fee waiver to submit either a FAFSA or a California Dream Act application. This ensures that students seeking financial aid complete the appropriate application.
Identification of Unmet Workforce Needs: The district must identify and document unmet workforce needs in the subject area of the intended baccalaureate degree program. The program should be offered in a community or region with such needs. This requirement ensures that the program aligns with local demand for skilled professionals.
Avoidance of Program Duplication: The district must ensure that the baccalaureate degree program does not duplicate existing programs or curricula at the California State University or the University of California. This ensures that the program is distinct and complements the current educational offerings.
Adequate Expertise, Resources, and Student Interest: The district must demonstrate that it possesses the necessary expertise, resources, and student interest to provide a high-quality baccalaureate degree program in the chosen field of study. This requirement ensures that the district has the capacity to deliver a rigorous and valuable program.
The application process for new baccalaureate degree programs is highly competitive. This section in the manual provides a comprehensive overview of the application process, step-by-step instructions, resources, and tips to develop a strong application. It emphasizes the importance of demonstrating the proposed program will lead to high-paying jobs for students and does not duplicate existing curricula offered at California State University or the University of California.
Click here for the current CCCCO Baccalaureate Degree Materials:
Application criteria and requirements are subject to change, use as a sample only for reference.
Application criteria and requirements are subject to change, use the rubric as a sample only for reference.
Instructions (Updated to align with Cycle 5)
Certification of Statutory Compliance and Readiness
The template forms are in Word format and will be downloaded in a separate window. The template form for Workforce Need has changed! You must use the most current forms.
Do not include embedded links to external documents. Additional documents must be attached separately rather than a link. Including links to outside documents may disqualify your application!
The application is based on Education Code requirements. All questions must be answered, and all requested data and evidence must be supplied. If you receive an error message, it is likely you missed a question. You are encouraged to save your application content in a separate document. Please pay careful attention to the page limits imposed for your responses to each question. These page limits facilitate a timely review and scoring of applications. Responses to questions in excess of the stated page limits may not be considered.