How to process online forms

The following outlines the process to intake and process forms online through JIRA’s service desk system. 

 Forms will be processed in the following manner:


Students will fill out the online form and attach a completed version of the form.  Students will be required to input in their full name in lieu of a “wet signature”


Staff that reviews and processes forms will use the Forms Dashboard, accessed at:

Users will be required to login with their appropriate college shared login information


You will be taken to your forms queue called “Devinit Queue” (note: colleges should only see forms submitted to them) and the various statuses they may be in.


Status Definitions:

  • NOT STARTED​ - Form has been submitted but not viewed by the college [Forms Queue]

  • In review - Form is being reviewed for completeness and to attach/gather any supporting documentation [Forms Queue]

  • College Eval review - Evaluation Forms have been initially reviewed by counseling staff and being sent to college evaluations for review and distribution if applicable (modification of major).

  • waiting for student - Clarification or additional info is needed from the student, student has not yet replied [Forms Queue]

  • student replied - Student has responded and feedback is ready for review by staff [Forms Queue]

  • approve/deny - Form/Petition is being reviewed by authorized staff/manager [Pending Approval Queue]

  • process - Form/Petition has been approved for processing [To Be Processed Queue]

  • transcript detail - For transcript evaluation requests only, transcripts need to be detailed, and total units posted in Campus Solutions

  • Pending - Form needs to be sent back to the colleges for further input or review.

  • done - Form has been processed and is considered completed. Students are notified of this step [Processed Forms Queue]

  • Closed - Form is invalid, or denied. [Denied Queue]


To start the process for a form, click on the form in your queue that you wish to view:


The heart of the process is the forms workflow which is the drop down menu you see in the top right. Forms that are first submitted start with a status of Not Started

First step is to mark the petition/from as going through the “intake” process by clicking on thenot started status and clicking on “Start”

This will change the status of the form to in review at this point you will be able to gather documents, get additional feedback and make sure the form is complete. 



On the form page you will see detailed information that the student provided on the form as well as the PDF of the form and any documentation they provided:


At the bottom of the page, you should see the “Activity” section this is where you can communicate internally with staff/faculty or with the student.


To communicate with staff who has access to JIRA, you can type in “Add Internal Note” This will only be seen by those with login credentials to JIRA such as the person who is processing or approving the form/petition:

You would typically use internal notes to communicate with others in your office, or at the college. These are messages you do not want the Student to see.


To contact the student, click on “Reply to Customer” this will send the student an email with your question or comment.  When the student replies, it will appear in the comment section in the below example:

The first comment will always contain the original petition submitted. 

NOTE: Do not download sensitive information to your computer, you can just click on the file to view it within JIRA.


Communications between managers, faculty, staff and/or students can be seen in the Activity section.  For users who are using a shared account, be sure to add your name to the comment so others know who made it..


Adding a Participant (Counselor/Faculty needing to provide feedback or recommendation, no approver authority)

If you need to contact someone for feedback or comment (e.g. Dean of Department Chair) you can click on “Request participant” and type in their email address or do a name lookup. 

In some cases, students might have already provided the name of a counselor or faculty member they were in contact with prior to sending the form. You should see their name in the “Recommender” section:

NOTE: If the person’s name cannot be found, please contact Victor DeVore so he can setup their account at

Once you add their name, it will immediately send them an email (this is automatic).

Users will receive an email like below with a link to the petition/form they need to review.  They can respond in the comment section after they login and it will record their name, date/time stamp.



Adding an Approver (Vice President, Dean, Dept Chair, someone with authority to approve petitions.)

If the form or petition requires an approver, you will need to add their name in the “Approvers” section located above the Request Participants section.

  • Please note: Petitions for the Vice President of Student Services and Dean of Student Development will automatically assign the appropriate manger.

  • For forms such as Modification of Major, Challenge Petition, etc. you will be required to manually enter the name of the Dean, Dept Chair or Committee (if applicable).

  • For forms that do not require approval, just add the name of the shared account you are using. You will be able to approve the form/petition yourself (see Step 15).

You must click on “Submit for Review” in order for the signatories to be able to review the petition for approval. (Step 14)


If the form is ready for processing, go back to the top section and click on “Submit for Review”

If you made a mistake and want to go back, after you submitted the form for review, you can click on “Reset” to bring it back to review.


Once in the “Approve/Deny” section, you might see a “Add an approver” message appear:

You can either click on the message, or add an approver in the “Approvers” section in the right sidebar. Be sure you put in the right person for the form. Some forms have a built in approver, while others do not. If you are the approver just type in your college name and you’ll be able to approve the form from there.



Once the petition is approved, this will show with a status of “Process” which indicates the petition/form is approved.  Entry should be done in CS or other appropriate area.  Any comments and questions should be entered in the Activity (comments) section.

Remember that notes to customers will be sent to the student.


Once the form/petition has been processed, you can click on “Complete” to complete the form for processing.  The student will be notified that their petition has been approved/processed.

For submitted forms/tickets to help with tracking, please be sure to reference the SRV ticket number in the PERSON COMMENT ENTRY page in PeopleSoft.



Additional Information for Evaluations:



Comment Type



Comment Type

Missing Signature → Approve/Deny

Form/Petition is missing a signature from a Dean, Dept Chair, or Other Committee.

Use “Reply to Customer” to indicate who is missing.

Return → Pending

Form/Petition is missing documentation, transcript, item, is incomplete, or other follow-up is needed.

Use “Internal Note” to indicate what the colleges need to do.

To Detail → transcript detail

Transcript Request needs to be detailed.

Use “Internal Note” to indicate what should be done.

Deny/Withdraw → Cancelled

You have denied the petition/form.

Use “Reply to Customer” to indicate the reason the petition is denied.

Complete → Done

You have completed the data entry needed in Campus Solutions and approving the petition/form.

Use “Reply to Customer” if further communication is needed.