Course Subjects
Below is a list of Course Subjects in PeopleSoft. This was copied from the SUBJECT_TBL record on 9/9/2020.
Subject | Description | Eff Date | Status |
ABED | Adult Basic Education | 1/1/1901 | A |
ACCT | Accounting | 1/1/1901 | A |
ACTD | Aircraft Tool Design | 1/1/1901 | A |
ADJU | Administration of Justice | 6/1/2019 | A |
ADVS | Advertising | 1/1/1901 | A |
AERO | Aeronautics | 1/1/1901 | A |
AFLG | African Language | 1/1/1901 | A |
AGRI | Agriculture | 8/1/2018 | A |
AIRC | Air Conditioning and Refrigeration | 1/1/1901 | A |
AIRE | Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, Envir. Cont. Tech | 1/1/1901 | A |
AIRF | Aircraft | 1/1/1901 | A |
AIRS | Air Cond, Heating, Refr, Solar | 1/1/1901 | A |
AIRT | Air Traffic Control | 1/1/1901 | A |
ALLH | Allied Health | 1/1/1901 | A |
AMSL | American Sign Language/Interpreting | 8/1/2019 | A |
ANHL | Animal Health Technology | 1/1/1901 | A |
ANTH | Anthropology | 6/1/2019 | A |
AODS | Alcohol and Other Drug Studies | 1/1/1901 | A |
APAR | Applied Arts | 1/1/1901 | A |
APLD | Applied Design | 1/1/1901 | A |
APLR | Applicance Repair | 1/1/1901 | A |
APMT | Applied Metrics | 1/1/1901 | A |
APPR | Apprenticeship | 1/1/1901 | A |
ARAB | Arabic | 1/1/1901 | A |
ARCD | Architecture and Construction | 1/1/1901 | A |
ARCH | Architecture | 1/1/1901 | A |
ARIT | Arithmetic | 1/1/1901 | A |
ARTC | Commercial Art | 1/1/1901 | A |
ARTD | Art - Digital Media | 1/1/1901 | A |
ARTF | Art - Fine Art | 6/1/2019 | A |
ARTG | Art - Graphic Design | 1/1/1901 | A |
ARTS | Art Theory | 1/1/1901 | A |
ARTX | Arts Experimental | 1/1/1901 | A |
ASDN | Nursing | 1/1/1901 | A |
ASTR | Astronomy | 1/1/1901 | A |
ATRC | Air Traffic Control | 1/1/1901 | A |
ATSC | Meteorology | 1/1/1901 | A |
AUTA | Auto Air Conditioning | 1/1/1901 | A |
AUTB | Auto Body | 1/1/1901 | A |
AUTM | Auto Mechanics | 1/1/1901 | A |
AUTO | Automotive Technology | 1/1/1901 | A |
AVAT | Avia & Aero Tech | 1/1/1901 | A |
AVIA | Aviation | 1/1/1901 | A |
AVIM | Aviation Maintenance Technology | 1/1/1901 | A |
BANK | Banking and Finance | 8/1/2019 | A |
BARB | Barbering | 1/1/1901 | A |
BARG | Barbering | 1/1/1901 | A |
BASS | Developmental Learning | 1/1/1901 | A |
BCAS | Black Contractor's Association Studies | 8/1/2018 | A |
BEHS | Behavioral Sciences | 1/1/1901 | A |
BILD | Bilingual Linguistics | 1/1/1901 | A |
BILS | Bilingual Studies | 1/1/1901 | A |
BIOL | Biological Sciences | 1/1/1901 | A |
BLAS | Black Studies | 1/1/1901 | A |
BLDC | Building Construction Technology | 1/1/1901 | A |
BLDG | Building/Construction Prac | 1/1/1901 | A |
BLDT | Building Trades | 1/1/1901 | A |
BLST | Black Studies | 1/1/1901 | A |
BLTD | Building Trades | 1/1/1901 | A |
BOAT | Boat Repair | 1/1/1901 | A |
BOOK | Bookkeeping | 1/1/1901 | A |
BOTN | Botany | 1/1/1901 | A |
BRKL | Bricklaying | 1/1/1901 | A |
BUSA | Business Administration | 1/1/1901 | A |
BUSE | Business | 1/1/1901 | A |
BUSL | Business Law | 1/1/1901 | A |
BUSM | Business Machines | 1/1/1901 | A |
BUSN | Business Management | 1/1/1901 | A |
BUSS | Business Math | 1/1/1901 | A |
BUST | Business Practice | 1/1/1901 | A |
CABM | Cabinet Making and Mill Work | 1/1/1901 | A |
CACM | Culinary Arts/Culinary Management | 1/1/1901 | A |
CARP | Carpentry | 1/1/1901 | A |
CART | Carpenters Fence Trainee | 1/1/1901 | A |
CATL | Catalog | 1/1/1901 | A |
CBTE | Computer Business Technology | 6/1/2019 | A |
CDES | Clothing Design | 1/1/1901 | A |
CEMA | Cement Masonry | 1/1/1901 | A |
CEMR | Consumer Educ Mgnt of Resource | 8/1/2018 | A |
CERA | Ceramic Tile Finishing | 1/1/1901 | A |
CERL | Ceramic Tile Laying | 1/1/1901 | A |
CEST | Construction Electronic Systems Technician | 1/1/1901 | A |
CHAM | Chamorro | 1/1/1901 | A |
CHEM | Chemistry | 6/1/2019 | A |
CHIC | Chicana and Chicano Studies | 6/1/2019 | A |
CHIL | Child Development | 6/1/2019 | A |
CHIN | Chinese | 6/1/2019 | A |
CINT | Cinematography | 1/1/1901 | A |
CISC | Computer and Information Sciences | 6/1/2019 | A |
CIVE | Civil Engineering Technology | 1/1/1901 | A |
CLER | Clerical | 1/1/1901 | A |
CLTX | Clothing & Textiles | 1/1/1901 | A |
CMSV | Commercial Services | 1/1/1901 | A |
CNCT | Construction Crafts Tech | 8/1/2018 | A |
COMM | Communications | 1/1/1901 | A |
COMP | Computer & Information Science | 1/1/1901 | A |
COMS | Communication Studies | 6/1/2019 | A |
CONE | Consumer Education | 1/1/1901 | A |
CONF | Consumer Studies | 6/1/2019 | A |
CONH | Consumer & Home Economics | 1/1/1901 | A |
CONS | Construction Systems | 1/1/1901 | A |
CONT | Health Care Professional | 1/1/1901 | A |
CONV | Construction Vocations | 1/1/1901 | A |
COPI | Copier/Microfilm Service Tech. | 1/1/1901 | A |
COSM | Cosmetology | 1/1/1901 | A |
CRES | Conflict Resolution | 8/1/2018 | A |
CRJU | Criminal Justice | 1/1/1901 | A |
CRRT | Court Reporting | 1/1/1901 | A |
CRTW | Creative Writing | 1/1/1901 | A |
CSTR | Construction | 1/1/1901 | A |
CULA | Culinary Apprenticeship | 1/1/1901 | A |
CULI | Culinary | 1/1/1901 | A |
CUSO | Custodian | 1/1/1901 | A |
CUST | Custom Dressmaking and Alt | 1/1/1901 | A |
CUTA | Custom Apparel | 1/1/1901 | A |
CZTE | Citizenship for Naturalization | 1/1/1901 | A |
DANC | Dance | 6/1/2019 | A |
DANI | Danish | 1/1/1901 | A |
DATA | Data Processing | 1/1/1901 | A |
DEGR | Degree Applicable | 1/1/1901 | A |
DENA | Dental Assisting | 6/1/2019 | A |
DENH | Dental Hygiene | 1/1/1901 | A |
DFLM | Digital Film Production | 6/1/2019 | A |
DIES | Diesel Technology | 8/1/2018 | A |
DISTGE | District GE - Transfer Elective | 1/1/1901 | A |
DJRN | Digital Journalism | 1/1/1901 | A |
DMPR | Digital Media Production | 1/1/1901 | A |
DMSG | Diagnositc Medical Sonography | 6/1/2019 | A |
DRAF | Drafting | 1/1/1901 | A |
DRAM | Dramatic Arts | 1/1/1901 | A |
DRES | Dress Design | 1/1/1901 | A |
DRFT | Drafting | 1/1/1901 | A |
DRSM | Dressmaking | 1/1/1901 | A |
DRVE | Driver Education | 1/1/1901 | A |
DRYL | Drywall/Lathing Apprenticeship | 1/1/1901 | A |
DRYT | Drywall Taping and Finishing | 1/1/1901 | A |
DSPS | Disability Support Programs and Services | 6/1/2019 | A |
DYCL | Dry Cleaning | 1/1/1901 | A |
ECOL | Ecology | 1/1/1901 | A |
ECON | Economics | 1/1/1901 | A |
EDTC | Educational Technology | 1/1/1901 | A |
EDUC | Education | 6/1/2019 | A |
EGEE | Energy and Geo-Environmental Engineering | 8/1/2019 | A |
ELAC | English Language Acquisition | 6/1/2019 | A |
ELCT | Electricity | 6/1/2019 | A |
ELDT | Electronic Systems | 6/1/2019 | A |
ELEC | Electrical | 6/1/2019 | A |
ELOP | Electro-Optical Technology | 1/1/1901 | A |
ELRN | Electronics | 1/1/1901 | A |
ELTA | Electronic Assembly | 1/1/1901 | A |
ELTR | Electronics | 1/1/1901 | A |
ELTS | Electronic Circuits/Ratio/TV | 1/1/1901 | A |
ELTZ | Electronics | 1/1/1901 | A |
EMET | Electrical Mechanical Eng Tech | 1/1/1901 | A |
EMGM | Emergency Medical Technician | 6/1/2019 | A |
ENGE | Engineering | 8/1/2018 | A |
ENGI | Engineering Review | 1/1/1901 | A |
ENGL | English | 6/1/2019 | A |
ENGN | Engineering Technology | 1/1/1901 | A |
ENGS | English, Business | 1/1/1901 | A |
ENGT | English, Technical | 1/1/1901 | A |
ENHL | Environmental Services | 1/1/1901 | A |
ENVD | Environmental Design | 1/1/1901 | A |
ENVT | Environmental Control Tech | 1/1/1901 | A |
ESCR | Escrow | 6/1/2019 | A |
ESLA | English as a Second Language | 8/1/2018 | A |
ESOL | English for Speakers of Other Languages | 8/1/2018 | A |
ESPR | Esperanto | 1/1/1901 | A |
EXSC | Exercise Science | 6/1/2019 | A |
EXTR | External Transfer Credit | 1/1/1901 | A |
FAMR | Family Relations | 1/1/1901 | A |
FASH | Fashion | 1/1/1901 | A |
FAST | Fast Food Service Mgmt | 1/1/1901 | A |
FDNT | Foods and Nutrition | 1/1/1901 | A |
FERM | Fermentation | 8/1/2019 | A |
FILI | Filipino | 6/1/2019 | A |
FINA | Fine Arts | 1/1/1901 | A |
FINC | Finance | 1/1/1901 | A |
FINN | Finnish | 1/1/1901 | A |
FIPT | Fire Protection Technology | 1/1/1901 | A |
FIRE | Fire Technology | 1/1/1901 | A |
FLEE | Marine Services | 1/1/1901 | A |
FLIA | Flight Attendant | 1/1/1901 | A |
FLOC | Floor Covering | 1/1/1901 | A |
FOOD | Food Service Occupations | 1/1/1901 | A |
FREN | French | 1/1/1901 | A |
FUTR | Futures Studies | 1/1/1901 | A |
GDCD | General Dynamics Convair | 1/1/1901 | A |
GDEV | Global Development Studies | 1/1/1901 | A |
GENC | GENC | 1/1/1901 | A |
GEND | Gender Studies | 1/1/1901 | A |
GENR | Generic | 1/1/1901 | A |
GENS | General Studies | 6/1/2019 | A |
GEOG | Geography | 6/1/2019 | A |
GEOL | Geology | 1/1/1901 | A |
GERM | German | 1/1/1901 | A |
GERO | Gerontology | 1/1/1901 | A |
GISG | Geographic Information Systems | 1/1/1901 | A |
GLAZ | Glazing | 1/1/1901 | A |
GOVT | Governmental Management | 1/1/1901 | A |
GRAP | Graphic Reproduction | 1/1/1901 | A |
GREE | Greek | 1/1/1901 | A |
GRFX | Graphics | 8/1/2017 | A |
HEAL | Health Education | 1/1/1901 | A |
HEAN | Health Sciences | 1/1/1901 | A |
HEAR | Hearing Conservation | 1/1/1901 | A |
HEAT | Heating and Air Conditioning | 1/1/1901 | A |
HEBR | Hebrew | 1/1/1901 | A |
HEIT | Health Information Technology | 1/1/1901 | A |
HEOP | Heavy Equipment Operator | 1/1/1901 | A |
HIMS | Health Information Management | 6/1/2019 | A |
HIST | History | 6/1/2019 | A |
HLTH | Health | 1/1/1901 | A |
HMDV | Human Development | 1/1/1901 | A |
HMID | Housing/Maint/Interior Design | 1/1/1901 | A |
HMNS | Human Services | 1/1/1901 | A |
HOME | Home Making Skills | 1/1/1901 | A |
HOSA | Hospital | 1/1/1901 | A |
HOSC | Hospital Central Service Tech | 1/1/1901 | A |
HOSP | Hospitality | 1/1/1901 | A |
HOSS | Hospital Staff Training | 1/1/1901 | A |
HOST | Nursing Fundamentals | 1/1/1901 | A |
HOTL | Hotel Management | 1/1/1901 | A |
HSCL | Housekeeping | 1/1/1901 | A |
HSDP | High School Diploma Program | 1/1/1901 | A |
HSEC | Homeland Security | 1/1/1901 | A |
HUMA | Humanities | 6/1/2019 | A |
HUMS | Human Services | 1/1/1901 | A |
HVAC | Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning | 1/1/1901 | A |
IHKM | Institutional Housekeeping Mgt | 1/1/1901 | A |
INAU | Industrial Automation | 1/1/1901 | A |
INDS | Industrial Sewing | 1/1/1901 | A |
INDT | Industrial Technology | 8/1/2018 | A |
INHK | Housekeeping Services | 1/1/1901 | A |
INSA | Instructional Aide | 1/1/1901 | A |
INSF | First Aid | 1/1/1901 | A |
INSK | Instructional Topics | 1/1/1901 | A |
INSL | Insulation/Acoustical | 1/1/1901 | A |
INSM | Institutional Mgt | 1/1/1901 | A |
INSR | Insurance | 1/1/1901 | A |
INTD | Interdisciplinary Studies | 8/1/2018 | A |
INTE | Interior Design | 1/1/1901 | A |
INVS | Investments | 8/1/2018 | A |
INWT | Information, Network, and Web Technologies | 1/1/1901 | A |
IRAN | Iranian | 1/1/1901 | A |
IRON | Ironworking | 1/1/1901 | A |
IRRG | Irrigation and Lawn Sprinkler | 1/1/1901 | A |
ITAL | Italian | 1/1/1901 | A |
JAPN | Japanese | 6/1/2019 | A |
JETP | Jet Products | 1/1/1901 | A |
JOUR | Journalism | 6/1/2019 | A |
JUST | Administration of Justice | 1/1/1901 | A |
LABO | Labor Management | 1/1/1901 | A |
LABR | Labor Studies | 1/1/1901 | A |
LANG | Language | 1/1/1901 | A |
LATH | Lathing | 1/1/1901 | A |
LATI | Latin | 1/1/1901 | A |
LAUN | Laundry and Dry Cleaning | 1/1/1901 | A |
LAWS | Laws | 1/1/1901 | A |
LCOM | Learning Community | 1/1/1901 | A |
LEGL | Legal Assistant | 1/1/1901 | A |
LERG | Learning Skills | 1/1/1901 | A |
LIBR | Library/Media Technology | 1/1/1901 | A |
LIBS | Library Science | 1/1/1901 | A |
MACH | Machine Shop | 1/1/1901 | A |
MACT | Machine Technology | 1/1/1901 | A |
MAFG | Manufacturing Technology | 1/1/1901 | A |
MANM | Marine Machinery | 1/1/1901 | A |
MANO | Marine Occupations | 1/1/1901 | A |
MANS | Marine Operations | 1/1/1901 | A |
MANT | Marine Technology | 1/1/1901 | A |
MARK | Marketing | 1/1/1901 | A |
MART | Marine Technology | 1/1/1901 | A |
MATE | Materials Management | 1/1/1901 | A |
MATH | Mathematics | 1/1/1901 | A |
MATS | Math Business | 1/1/1901 | A |
MATT | Math Technical | 1/1/1901 | A |
MCLE | Motorcycle Maintenance | 1/1/1901 | A |
MCTR | Mecomtronics | 6/1/2019 | A |
MEAT | Meat Cutting | 1/1/1901 | A |
MECT | Mechanical Technology | 1/1/1901 | A |
MEDA | Medical Assisting | 1/1/1901 | A |
MEDK | Medical Laboratory Technology | 1/1/1901 | A |
MEDL | Medical Laboratory Technician | 1/1/1901 | A |
MEDR | Medical Record Technology | 1/1/1901 | A |
MERC | Merchandising | 1/1/1901 | A |
METR | Metrology (Measurement Tech) | 1/1/1901 | A |
MFET | Manufacturing Engineering Technology | 1/1/1901 | A |
MGDS | Management | 1/1/1901 | A |
MICG | Micrographics | 1/1/1901 | A |
MILC | Mill Cabinet | 1/1/1901 | A |
MILL | Millwright | 1/1/1901 | A |
MILS | Military Studies | 1/1/1901 | A |
MLET | Military Electronics Tech | 1/1/1901 | A |
MLTT | Medical Laboratory Technician Training | 1/1/1901 | A |
MOTO | Motorcycle Outbd/Sm Gas Eng | 1/1/1901 | A |
MOVP | Moving Services | 1/1/1901 | A |
MSFT | Microsoft | 1/1/1901 | A |
MSNY | Masonry | 1/1/1901 | A |
MULT | Multimedia | 1/1/1901 | A |
MUSC | Commercial Music | 1/1/1901 | A |
MUSI | Music | 6/1/2019 | A |
MUSN | Music Instrumental | 1/1/1901 | A |
MUSV | Music Vocal | 1/1/1901 | A |
NARF | Naval Air Rework Facility | 1/1/1901 | A |
NATS | Natural Science | 1/1/1901 | A |
NAVA | Vocational Occupations | 1/1/1901 | A |
NDTE | Neurodiagnostic Technician | 8/1/2019 | A |
NLTE | Nursery and Landscape Technology | 6/1/2019 | A |
NONC | Non-Classroom Subject for Instructor Advisor Table | 1/1/1901 | A |
NORW | Norwegian | 1/1/1901 | A |
NOTCOUN | Transfer course not counted toward diploma/gpa | 1/1/1901 | A |
NRSA | Nurse Assistant | 1/1/1901 | A |
NRSE | Nursing Education | 1/1/1901 | A |
NURS | Nursing | 6/1/2019 | A |
NUTR | Nutrition | 6/1/2019 | A |
OCCS | Occup Safety & Health Tech | 1/1/1901 | A |
OCEA | Oceanography | 6/1/2019 | A |
OFBA | Office Basics | 1/1/1901 | A |
OFCE | Office Information Systems | 1/1/1901 | A |
OFSY | Office Systems | 1/1/1901 | A |
OPTA | Optometrics | 1/1/1901 | A |
ORNH | Ornithology | 1/1/1901 | A |
ORNM | Ornamental Metal Sm | 1/1/1901 | A |
OSHA | Occupa. Safety/Health Technol. | 1/1/1901 | A |
PADM | Public Administration | 8/1/2019 | A |
PAIN | Painting | 1/1/1901 | A |
PAND | Painting and Decorating | 1/1/1901 | A |
PARA | Paralegal | 8/1/2018 | A |
PASV | Public Affairs and Services | 1/1/1901 | A |
PEAC | Peace Studies | 1/1/1901 | A |
PERG | Personal Growth | 1/1/1901 | A |
PHIL | Philosophy | 6/1/2019 | A |
PHLB | Phlebotomy | 1/1/1901 | A |
PHOT | Photography | 1/1/1901 | A |
PHRM | Pharmacy Technology | 8/1/2019 | A |
PHYC | Psychology | 1/1/1901 | A |
PHYE | Physical Education | 6/1/2019 | A |
PHYN | Physical Science | 1/1/1901 | A |
PHYR | Physical Therapist Assistant | 1/1/1901 | A |
PHYS | Physics | 1/1/1901 | A |
PILP | Pilipino Studies | 1/1/1901 | A |
PIPF | Pipefitting | 6/1/2019 | A |
PLBG | Plumbing (Construction Trades) | 1/1/1901 | A |
PLPF | Pipefitting | 1/1/1901 | A |
PLSR | Plastering | 1/1/1901 | A |
PLTC | Plastics Technology | 1/1/1901 | A |
PMBG | Plumbing (County Pipetrades) | 1/1/1901 | A |
PMBT | Plumbing-Service & Repair Tr | 1/1/1901 | A |
POLC | Police | 1/1/1901 | A |
POLI | Political Science | 6/1/2019 | A |
POLS | Polish | 1/1/1901 | A |
PORT | Portuguese | 1/1/1901 | A |
PRHM | Professional Housekeeping Mgmt | 1/1/1901 | A |
PRTG | Printing/Graphics | 8/1/2018 | A |
PSYC | Psychology | 1/1/1901 | A |
PSYT | Psychiatric Nursing | 1/1/1901 | A |
PUBA | Public Affairs | 1/1/1901 | A |
PUBS | Municipal Services | 1/1/1901 | A |
PURC | Purchasing | 1/1/1901 | A |
QLAS | Quality Assurance Technology | 1/1/1901 | A |
QLCN | Quality Control | 1/1/1901 | A |
RADA | Radio Arts | 1/1/1901 | A |
RADT | Radiologic Technology | 6/1/2019 | A |
RAFT | Radio Frequency Technology | 6/1/2019 | A |
RATV | Radio & Television | 1/1/1901 | A |
RDNG | Reading | 1/1/1901 | A |
RDTV | Radio & TV Prod | 1/1/1901 | A |
REAL | Real Estate | 1/1/1901 | A |
RECM | Records Management | 1/1/1901 | A |
RECN | Recreation Administration | 1/1/1901 | A |
RECR | Recreational Leadership | 1/1/1901 | A |
RECT | Recreation & Tourism | 1/1/1901 | A |
RECV | Recreation & Tourism | 1/1/1901 | A |
REFR | Refrigeration | 1/1/1901 | A |
REGN | Registered Nursing Topics | 1/1/1901 | A |
RESA | Residential & Commercl Heat&Ac | 1/1/1901 | A |
ROHR | Rohr | 1/1/1901 | A |
ROOF | Roofing | 1/1/1901 | A |
RTVC | Radio and Television | 1/1/1901 | A |
RTVF | Radio, Television and Film | 1/1/1901 | A |
RUSS | Russian | 1/1/1901 | A |
SBSC | Small Business Skills Course | 1/1/1901 | A |
SCHF | School Food Service Management | 1/1/1901 | A |
SCIE | Science | 1/1/1901 | A |
SDCS | San Diego City Civil Service | 1/1/1901 | A |
SDGE | San Diego Gas and Electric Co | 1/1/1901 | A |
SECS | Secretarial Science | 1/1/1901 | A |
SFED | Safety Education | 1/1/1901 | A |
SHEE | Sheet Metal | 1/1/1901 | A |
SHIP | Shipbuilding Technology | 6/1/2019 | A |
SHPB | Shipbuilding Boat Repair | 1/1/1901 | A |
SHRT | Shorthand | 1/1/1901 | A |
SIGN | Sign Arts | 1/1/1901 | A |
SOCC | Social Sciences | 1/1/1901 | A |
SOCE | Social Services | 1/1/1901 | A |
SOCO | Sociology | 1/1/1901 | A |
SOLA | Solar Energy | 1/1/1901 | A |
SOLR | Solar | 6/1/2019 | A |
SOUN | Sound Technician | 1/1/1901 | A |
SPAN | Spanish | 8/1/2018 | A |
SPED | Special Education | 1/1/1901 | A |
SPEE | Speech | 1/1/1901 | A |
SPEM | Speech Communications | 1/1/1901 | A |
SPLD | Special Learning Topics | 1/1/1901 | A |
SSTR | Social Sciences Travel | 1/1/1901 | A |
STED | Steward Services | 1/1/1901 | A |
STMF | Steamfitting | 1/1/1901 | A |
STWD | Airline Passenger Services | 1/1/1901 | A |
SUPR | Supervision | 1/1/1901 | A |
SURV | Surveying | 1/1/1901 | A |
SUST | Sustainability | 8/1/2018 | A |
SWAH | Swahili | 1/1/1901 | A |
SWED | Swedish | 1/1/1901 | A |
SWHS | Social Work | 1/1/1901 | A |
SYSA | System Analysis | 1/1/1901 | A |
TAGA | Tagalog | 6/1/2019 | A |
TCNV | Transfer Conversion | 1/1/1901 | A |
TECE | Technical English | 1/1/1901 | A |
TECI | Technical Illustration | 1/1/1901 | A |
TECM | Technical Math | 1/1/1901 | A |
TECS | Technical Science | 1/1/1901 | A |
TECW | Technical Workshop | 1/1/1901 | A |
TEHW | Technical Writing | 1/1/1901 | A |
TELC | Telecommunications | 1/1/1901 | A |
TELE | Radio and Television | 1/1/1901 | A |
TEWR | Technical Writing and Illustration | 1/1/1901 | A |
THEA | Theatre | 1/1/1901 | A |
TITL | Title Insurance | 1/1/1901 | A |
TLDK | Tailoring & Dressmaking | 1/1/1901 | A |
TOOL | Tool Planning | 1/1/1901 | A |
TOPL | Tool Planning | 1/1/1901 | A |
TOUR | Tourism | 1/1/1901 | A |
TRAD | Technical Skills | 1/1/1901 | A |
TRAF | Traffic Engineering | 1/1/1901 | A |
TRAN | Transportation and Distr Mgmt | 1/1/1901 | A |
TRAS | Travel Service | 1/1/1901 | A |
TRAV | Travel and Tourism | 1/1/1901 | A |
TRCR | Transfer Credit Elective - Degree Applicable | 1/1/1901 | A |
TRCR CTE | Transfer Credit Generic Career Technical Education | 1/1/1901 | A |
TRCRARTS | Transfer Credit Generic Visual or Performing Arts | 1/1/1901 | A |
TRCRCHEM | Transfer Credit Generic Chemistry 1 | 1/1/1901 | A |
TRCRCOLL | Transfer Credit Generic College Course | 1/1/1901 | A |
TRCRCTE | Transfer Credit Generic Career Technical Education | 1/1/1901 | A |
TRCRELEC | Transfer Credit Generic Elective | 1/1/1901 | A |
TRCRENGL | Transfer Credit Generic English | 1/1/1901 | A |
TRCRLANG | Transfer Credit Generic World Language | 1/1/1901 | A |
TRCRMATH | Transfer Credit Generic Math | 1/1/1901 | A |
TRCRPHYS | Transfer Credit Generic Physical Science 2 | 1/1/1901 | A |
TRCRPRAC | Transfer Credit Generic Practical Art | 1/1/1901 | A |
TRCRWKEX | Transfer Work Experience at SDCE: Practical Art | 1/1/1901 | A |
TREL | Transfer Elective | 1/1/1901 | A |
TRNS | Transportation Technology | 1/1/1901 | A |
TROL | San Diego Trolley | 1/1/1901 | A |
TRPL | Triple "A" South | 1/1/1901 | A |
TYPE | Typing | 1/1/1901 | A |
TYPG | Typing | 1/1/1901 | A |
UNI_CTE | Career Technical Education (Unified) | 1/1/1901 | A |
UNI_ELEC | Electives (Unified) | 1/1/1901 | A |
UNI_ENGL | English (Unified) | 1/1/1901 | A |
UNI_MATH | Mathematics (Unified) | 1/1/1901 | A |
UNI_SCI | Science (Unified) | 1/1/1901 | A |
UNI_SOCS | Social Studies (Unified) | 1/1/1901 | A |
UNI_VPA | Visual and Performing Arts (Unified) | 1/1/1901 | A |
UNI_WL | World Languages (Unified) | 1/1/1901 | A |
UNST | Civil-Military Relations | 1/1/1901 | A |
VENM | Theory and Maintenance | 1/1/1901 | A |
VETT | Veterinary Medicine | 1/1/1901 | A |
VIET | Vietnamese | 6/1/2019 | A |
VNUR | Vocational Nursing | 1/1/1901 | A |
VOCN | Vocational Nursing | 1/1/1901 | A |
VOCR | Vocational Rehabilitation Tech | 1/1/1901 | A |
VTAH | Veterinary Technology | 8/1/2020 | A |
WAIT | Waiting in Abeyance | 1/1/1901 | A |
WATR | Water | 1/1/1901 | A |
WEBD | Web Development | 1/1/1901 | A |
WELD | Welding | 1/1/1901 | A |
WELT | Welding Technology | 1/1/1901 | A |
WHSL | Wholesale & Retail | 1/1/1901 | A |
WMNS | Women's Studies | 8/1/2019 | A |
WOMN | Women's Studies | 1/1/1901 | A |
WORK | Work Experience | 6/1/2019 | A |
XRAY | X-Ray Technology | 1/1/1901 | A |
ZOOL | Zoology | 1/1/1901 | A |