Faculty Resource Handbook

Faculty Resource Handbook

Author: District Educational Services

Updated: March 5th, 2025

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The Faculty Resource Handbook provides information and instructions about SDCCD attendance accounting and grade reporting, including forms and methods, in accordance with the California Education Code, Title 5, California Code of Regulations, and District Policy.

Keynotes for All Faculty

The accuracy of attendance record keeping, and timeliness of reporting student drops are critical for funding purposes, record maintenance, and student outcomes. It is also a major consideration in the evaluation of contract faculty and part-time faculty.

Federal law requires that students receiving Federal Financial Aid (Title IV) or veterans benefits return money to the Federal Government if the student receives an “F” grade due to nonattendance. SDCCD is required to report the last date of “known academic activity” for these students. Therefore, faculty members must enter the last date of “known academic activity” for students identified as FED on the roster when an ‘F’ grade is assigned.

The last date of “known academic activity” is defined as the last physical presence in the class or no longer participating in an online class. Documenting that a student has logged into an online class is insufficient to demonstrate academic attendance by the student. The District must demonstrate that a student participated in class or was otherwise engaged in an academically related activity, such as contributing to an online discussion or initiating contact with a faculty member to ask a course-related question.)

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student educational records. In accordance with FERPA, and District policy, all student information such as name, ID number, mailing/e-mail address, telephone number, grade(s) and/or attendance should NOT be accessible to individuals without the written consent of the student, even if the student is a minor.

Important Information for Syllabi

The syllabus is a faculty member’s first opportunity to introduce the course topic, identify the type and style of the course, and describe student expectations and responsibilities – It is essential to describe all relevant aspects of the class, keeping in mind that students' experience many kinds of classes.

The following are essential information that should be included in your syllabi:


  • It is the student’s responsibility to drop all classes in which they are no longer participating (for online classes).

  • It is the student’s responsibility to drop all classes in which they are no longer attending (for on-campus classes).

  • It is the instructor’s discretion to withdraw a student after the add/drop deadline due to excessive absences.

  • Students who remain enrolled in a class beyond the published withdrawal deadline, as stated in the class schedule, will receive an evaluative letter grade in this class. (A, B, C, D, F, P, NP).

  • Attendance: If the final grade in a class is affected by attendance (active participation in the class), it must be stated in the class syllabus as follows:

  • The final grade in this class will be affected by active participation, including attendance, as follows: (Instructor to define specifically how attendance, including participation, will affect final grade in the class.)

Remember that attendance cannot be one of the standards for class grades, however, participation can include the corresponding class points for participation.

Language Regarding Student Financial Aid - Satisfactory Academic Progress

AB 789 requires that districts have consistent, equity-based Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policies and appeal processes. Part of the bill’s requirements requires colleges to routinely communicate information regarding SAP standards and appeal processes to students.

We are asking for your help by including the following student-friendly language on your course syllabi regarding SAP:

Stay on Track to Keep Your Financial Aid!  To continue to receive financial aid, you must meet the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirement.  Meeting SAP means that you maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA, have successfully completed 67% of your coursework attempted within your educational plan, and will graduate on time.  Failure to meet these requirements could result in the loss of your financial aid.  For more information, including the appeals process, please visit Financial Aid/Scholarship | San Diego Community College District . If you have any questions or need assistance, please get in touch with the Financial Aid Office at cityaid@sdccd.edu / mesaaid@sdccd.edu / miraaid@sdccd.edu.

Advisory for Faculty

When establishing expectations for participation/attendance, the “reasonableness” test is strongly recommended. In other words, if a student challenged classroom expectations for participation in court, how would a jury of peers respond? It is also important to apply expectations consistently and fairly for all students.

Examples of questionable practices:

  • Marking a student absent for being less than 5 minutes late (any number of unforeseen circumstances could have happened).

  • If the class total for participation points is 5 points, then marking off 2 points for being late in one class is not reasonable. The standard must be spread out over the total number of class meetings in a reasonable manner.

  • Marking a student absent for leaving class to take a call on their cell phone (we don’t know the nature of the call).

  • Marking a student absent for not bringing a textbook to class If you have any questions regarding establishing class participation expectations, please consult your dean.

Courses Requiring Strenuous Physical Activity

This course requires students to participate in strenuous activities, including heavy lifting and climbing. If you have a medical condition that may limit your participation in strenuous activity, please bring it to the instructor's attention immediately to discuss possible accommodations.


Students are expected to be honest and ethical at all times in the pursuit of academic goals. Students who are found to be in violation of Administrative Procedure 3100.3 Honest Academic Conduct will receive a grade of zero on the assignment, quiz, or exam in question and may be referred for disciplinary action in accordance with Administrative Procedure 5520, Student Disciplinary Procedures.

Honest Academic Conduct

Students are expected to adhere to the Honest Academic Conduct policy at all times. Students who violate the Honest Academic Conduct policy may be removed from class by the faculty for the class meeting in which the behavior occurred and the next class meeting.

For online classes: Student access to class is removed for one week (5 instructional days).

Acceptance of make-up work during the removal.

[Specify whether you will or will not accept makeup work, since it is at the discretion of the instructor].

Incidents involving the removal of a student from class will be reported to the college disciplinary officer for follow-up.

The Honest Academic Conduct policy can be found in Board of Trustees Policy, BP 5500, Student Rights, Responsibilities, Campus Safety and Administrative Due Process posted on the District website.

Students with Disabilities

Ensuring the accessibility of this course to students with disabilities is important to me. I have made every effort to make this course accessible; however, if you encounter a problem accessing anything in the course, please contact me immediately. Students who have academic accommodation letters should send them to me as soon as possible so that I am able to provide the accommodation in a timely manner. Students with disabilities who are requesting accommodation for the first time should email me and should contact the Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS) office to initiate the accommodation request process:

Pregnancy and Parenting

Supporting pregnant or nursing students is important to me. If you need to miss all or a portion of class for a pregnancy-related medical condition or to express milk, please discuss with me as soon as possible so that I can understand your situation and make appropriate arrangements. In the event of an ongoing medical condition that necessitates accommodation, please email me and contact the Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS) office to initiate the accommodation request process:

Attendance Accounting

OFFICIAL CLASS, GRADE, AND ATTENDANCE ROSTERS (Class Roster, Attendance Roster, and Grade Roster) Rosters are legal documents that the court frequently subpoenas.

  • The Official Grade and Attendance Rosters are the permanent record of attendance for all students registered in college classes.

  • The Official Class Rosters are available online on the first day of registration.
    attendance record

  • The roster lists the names and ID numbers of students who have officially registered and met the prerequisites for the class.

  • Faculty may also view and print an official roster anytime online on the Faculty portal at https://myportal.sdccd.edu

  • The Official Grade and Attendance Rosters must be cleared of inactive students as of the census date.

  • Faculty must record student absences online in the Faculty portal by the census date on the attendance roster. Dropping students for no attendance or activity is not only a legal requirement but also helps alleviate student debt and negative marks, and helps combat fraudulent activity.

  • Faculty must record individual student hours on the attendance roster for each class meeting.

Hours must be entered prior to submitting grades, or the grade roster will “lock.”

Negligence or carelessness in completing the rosters, such as not dropping students by the census date, or submitting the census roster, and missing grades will be referred to the appropriate Vice President of Instruction for action. Negligence may be discovered by administrative staff or by formal audit to verify the accuracy of student records pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 58030.

Absence and Attendance


  • In accordance with Title 5 regulations, faculty are required to mark absences for students in census based classes on the Attendance Roster, up to the census date to determine inactive enrollment.

  • Faculty teaching positive attendance classes will enter student attendance hours on the Attendance Roster through the end of the session.

  • Rosters must be cleared of inactive enrollment (no show or no longer attending/participating) as of the census date for census and positive attendance courses.

  • Faculty may excuse absences when the absence results from illness, accident, religious observance, holidays, or other circumstances beyond the student’s control, or participation in authorized professional or college activities.

  • If the student’s final grade in a class is affected by attendance (active participation in the class), it must be stated in the class syllabus. See suggested syllabus language beginning on page 2 of this handbook.

Admission to Class

ONLY officially registered students appearing on the class roster should be permitted to attend the class. Faculty should verify that all students sitting in class or participating online are officially enrolled.

SDCCD does not allow students to audit a class.

Waitlist Process

  • The waitlist function allows students who attempt to register in a class that is closed, to place their name on the waitlist for that class.

  • There is a limit to the number of students allowed on each waitlist. (This limit can be changed by the dean’s office.)

  • If space becomes available in a class prior to the start of classes, students will be automatically enrolled and notified via e-mail. Before the start of class, if students who are not enrolled automatically from the waitlist due to a registration error such as a Hold, Time Conflict, Corequisite, Duplicate Class, or Repeated Class are notified, they cannot be added to the class from the waitlist and are given three days to clear the hold or resolve the issue. On the fourth day, the student will be dropped from the waitlist.

  • Due to high demand, instructors are urged to use the waitlist as a priority for issuing Permission Numbers.

  • IN-PERSON CLASSES: Students remaining on the wait list after classes begin MUST attend the first class meeting to have their waitlist priority considered by faculty. Waitlisted students should be given priority to add the class if space becomes available.

  • ONLINE CLASSES: Students should email the instructor before or at the start of class for a permission number. The instructor may also email the waitlisted students, asking if they still want to enroll. Note that students cannot see nor participate in the online class until they are officially enrolled in the class. Waitlisted students should be given priority to add the class over non-waitlisted students.

Permission Numbers

Permission Numbers are required when students try to enroll in a class on/after the start of class up to the add/drop deadline for the class.

  • After the start date of the class, students must have a permission number issued by the instructor to add classes. Students will be emailing instructors of ONLINE classes to obtain a permission number. The class search has a link to the instructor's email address on file in Campus Solutions (mySDCCD.)

  • Permission numbers must be processed and paid for by the Add Deadline date indicated under Deadlines on the portal.

  • Faculty may access the online Permission Number List on the Faculty Portal as of Opening Day via myportal.sdccd.edu.

  • The Permission Number List contains a set of uniquely assigned Permission Numbers for the class (ClassNbr).

  • When the student uses a Permission Number, the student's name and ID number will be displayed next to the Permission Number issued.

  • Note that Permission Numbers must be processed and paid for by the Add/Drop deadline, or students will be dropped for non-payment. Due to state regulations, adding classes after the Add deadline will not be permitted. Faculty should monitor their online rosters carefully. Restricted courses may only be added using a Permission Number (for example: Nursing).

  • Permission Numbers for restricted classes are available well in advance of the session. Contact the dean’s office for additional information.


  • Permission numbers will not override prerequisites.

  • Permission numbers will override class capacity.

Student Contact Information

Faculty can access registered students’ email addresses and phone numbers as students enroll via the online official class roster on the Faculty Portal at myportal.sdccd.edu. This information is confidential and should only be used for educational purposes during the semester of enrollment. Faculty should not keep prior student contact information.

Student Email

All students, at the time of enrollment, are provisioned a student.sdccd.edu email address. All official student communication will be sent to their student.sdccd.edu email address. This address will appear on your faculty class roster and other areas such as Canvas.

For more information, please visit: https://www.sdccd.edu/students/student-email.aspx

Petition to Challenge

Students may challenge a prerequisite, corequisite, and/or limitation on enrollment for any course in accordance with Administrative Procedure 5260. The burden of proof is on the student to demonstrate that grounds exist for a challenge. Space must be available in the class being challenged. Students may obtain a Petition to Challenge form online or in the Admissions Office.

Change of Course Level within a Discipline

Faculty who believe a student has been inappropriately placed in a course may file a Change of Course Level within a Discipline on the student's behalf. Forms are available on the Faculty Portal under the Forms tab or in the Admissions Office.

Individual Student Contracts in Work Experience and Application for Independent Study

Faculty teaching/supervising Work Experience and Independent Study courses must have a written contract with the student on file, signed by both the instructor and the student and submitted to the Admissions Office by census date. This contract shall specify the following:

  • Course Assignment(s)

  • Grading Criteria

  • Brief statement of course goals, objectives, and completion date.

Reporting Student Drops

It is the instructor’s responsibility to clear rosters of inactive enrollment, including “no shows” before census, since apportionment (FTES) may legally be claimed only for “active enrollment.” Refer to Administrative Procedure 3110.1 for the definition of active enrollment. Faculty must submit drops no later than noon on the class census date. To find the census date, click on the calendar icon at myportal.sdccd.edu.

  • All student drops MUST be processed by faculty online via the Faculty Portal at myportal.sdccd.edu .

  • FED = A student receiving federal financial aid or veterans benefits

  • Faculty are required to report the last date of known academic activity when assigning an “F” grade to

  • students receiving federal benefits.

  • To satisfy Veteran’s Reporting Requirements, faculty must report drops/withdrawals within 22 calendar days from the Veteran’s last date of known academic activity.

  • The ability to drop students from the class roster is available online as of the first day of the semester/session. For more step-by-step instructions, go to https://mysdccd.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/MYS/pages/353271815/Drop+Withdrawing+Students+from+Class+Roster

Reinstatement of Students After Drop

Faculty may only reinstate a student if the student had been officially registered in the course and had dropped or been dropped by the instructor in error. Faculty may reinstate students via the Class Roster at myportal.sdccd.edu up to the withdrawal deadline.

For instructions on how to reinstate students, please visit: https://mysdccd.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/MYS/pages/340525139/Reinstating+a+Student

Student Follow-Up

A “Follow-Up” tab is available on the Faculty Portal to report students who are having academic difficulty. Faculty will also select a “reason” for the follow-up to alert the counseling faculty how to best serve/help the student. When this button is marked, an e-mail is sent to the student advising of available counseling or tutoring services.

This requirement is based on Student Success and Support Program regulations (Title 5 Section 55525), which state that each community college district shall establish a student follow-up system to ensure that each student's academic progress is regularly monitored to detect early signs of academic difficulty.



Student Grade Reporting

Grade Submission Deadline

If the semester/session end date is Friday or Saturday—the grade submission deadline is the following Friday. If the semester/ session ends any other day of the week — the grade submission deadline will be 7 calendar days from the end date of the semester/session.

Grades will be due the first Friday in January. For all other sessions with end dates prior to the winter break, the grade submission deadline will be 7 calendar days following the end of the session, provided the 7th calendar day is before winter break; if not, grades for that session will also be due the first Friday in January.

* If any due dates fall on a holiday, grades are due on the next working day.

Online Faculty Grading System (mySDCCD)

About one week prior to the class end date, faculty may access the online grade sheet at mySDCCD under the Grades tab. The Grade Sheet lists all students registered in each class who must be assigned a grade. No late drops will be accepted.

Once grades are submitted online, faculty MUST also turn in the following forms to the Admissions and Records Office, by the specified deadline, for the grades to be accepted and official:

Independent Study Contracts (turn in as completed or at the census date)

Courses numbered 44 that are using automated attendance tracking are not required to submit grades or rosters. Attendance hours and pass/no pass grades are automatically recorded for these courses.

Assignment of Incomplete

In accordance with Title 5, Section 55023(e), an “I” symbol (Incomplete) may be assigned for incomplete academic work due to unforeseeable emergency and justifiable reasons at the end of the semester/session.

An Assignment of Incomplete (“I”) form must be completed by the instructor for each student that is assigned an “I”. The instructor then sends it to the Dean to retain along with the work to be completed (in a sealed envelope) and class syllabus. The Dean sends the original to the Admissions & Records Office for processing.

The form is available in the College Admissions and Records Office, as well as on the Faculty Portal at myportal.sdccd.edu under the Forms tab.

Grade Assignment/Grade Change

Grades may only be changed in accordance with the California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 55025:

“In any course of instruction in a community college district for which grades are awarded, the instructor of the course shall determine the grade to be awarded each student. The determination of the student’s grade by the instructor shall be final in the absence of mistake, fraud, bad faith, or incompetence.”

The Grade Assignment/Change form is used whenever it becomes necessary for an instructor to change a student’s grade. The form is available in the Admissions and Records Office, as well as on the Faculty Portal at myportal.sdccd.edu under the Forms tab.

No grade may be changed for a completed class after one year without supportive evidence and the approval of the designated college committee.

Note: District policy will not permit a change to a student’s grade beyond two years. Faculty should retain student coursework for a minimum of two years since students can challenge final grades.


In accordance with title 5 section 58004, it is the instructor’s responsibility to clear rosters of inactive enrollment including “no shows” before census.

Late Grade Assignment

No grades will be accepted for students who were not officially enrolled as of census.


Students with Disabilities

Ensuring that our educational programs and services are accessible positively impacts individuals with disabilities, offering greater opportunity for engagement and participation in pursuit of lifelong learning.

Faculty work closely with their Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS) Office to ensure that authorized accommodations implemented with fidelity. By law, it is the responsibility of DSPS to determine appropriate accommodations through an interactive process with the student. This mandate includes accommodations in a clinical setting.

Find DSPS contact information, view Student Accommodations and Proctored Exam Requests by visiting MyDSPS Instructor Portal. Instructors are encouraged to contact DSPS for any questions that may occur with authorized accommodations in their classroom.

For more information, you may also refer to Administrative Procedure, AP 5140 Support Services, Programs and Disability Discrimination Procedures for Students with Disabilities.

Sample Syllabus Statement

Ensuring the accessibility of this course to students with disabilities is important to me. I have made every effort to make this course accessible; however, if you encounter a problem accessing anything in the course, please contact me immediately. Students who have academic accommodation letters should send them to me as soon as possible so that I am able to provide the accommodation in a timely manner. Students with disabilities who are requesting accommodation for the first time should email me and should contact the Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS) office to initiate the accommodation request process:

  • City College DSPS

  • Mesa College DSPS

  • Miramar College DSPS

  • Continuing Education DSPS

Accessible Educational Materials

Online Learning Pathways and DSPS have partnered to provide best practices for instructional accessibility needs. By offering services, guidance and technical assistance to help instructors in realizing an accessible technology environment. The district maintains a standard for access within the online classroom and to electronic materials used in the classroom in order to comply with state and federal law. This standard includes websites and any other electronic materials that students need to use to access services or a course.

Find more information about creating accessible course content by visiting https://sdccd.edu/accessibility

For more information, you may also refer to AP 3725 Information and Communications Technology Accessibility and Acceptable Use – Section 508

Pregnancy and Parenting


In accordance with Title IX, absences due to pregnancy or related conditions, including recovery from childbirth, shall be excused for as long as medically necessary. Students must notify the instructor in a timely manner and shall be afforded the opportunity to establish make up work or other alternative arrangements. Students need to request academic accommodations related to pregnancy should contact the DSPS office. Students who make a request directly to faculty should be referred to DSPS.

As with disability-related accommodations, the DSPS office, in consultation with the student, authorizes appropriate accommodations and may act as a liaison with the faculty and students. If a student elects to withdraw from the course on or after census, an “EW” (Excused Withdrawal) shall be assigned, and the district will ensure that the “EW” is not considered in progress probation and dismissal calculations.

For more information, you may also refer to Frequently Asked Questions Related to Academic Accommodations for Pregnant Students.


In accordance with state law, students currently lactating are permitted, without academic penalty, to access campus lactation rooms when needed to express milk or breastfeed a child. Information about private and secure space to express mild or breast feed may be obtained through the Health Services office. If a student expects that they may need such an accommodation, they should speak with relevant faculty members as soon as is possible to minimize disruption to their course.

For more information, you may also refer to AP 5203 - Lactation Accommodation

Complaints or Concerns

The SDCCD Complaint Quick Reference Guide includes links to policies and procedures against unlawful discrimination and harassment, an overview of the complaint process, and complaint pathways. For information on how to file a complaint, please visit the SDCCD How to File a Complaint website.

If you have been or become aware that a student has been the victim of sexual violence or gender-based discrimination, please visit the Title IX website or contact the Title IX Office at titleix@sdccd.edu or (619) 388-6660.

Frequently Asked Questions

The purpose of this section is to provide answers to some frequently asked questions by faculty. The text of this handbook is also available online at the Faculty Portal via myportal.sdccd.edu under the Information tab and contains links to other resources referenced in this handbook.

Q. What is a primary term?

A. The fall and spring semesters are the primary terms. The primary terms are 16 weeks in length for a total of 32 weeks of instruction.

Q. What are short term classes?

A. Includes classes that are not scheduled coterminous with the primary term session (even those scheduled more than 16 weeks). Often referred to as “non primary term” session/classes.

Q. What is the census date?

A. The census date is a date that is about 20% of the class meetings. The date varies depending on how a class is scheduled. To find the census date for your class(es) click on the calendar icon for each class at myportal.sdccd.edu. All students must be officially enrolled or dropped for lack of attendance by 12 noon on the census date for census and positive attendance classes.

Q. What is the add/drop deadline?

A. The add/drop date is the business day immediately preceding the census date. Students must process and pay for all Permission Numbers and/or drop classes by this date. This date varies depending on how a class is scheduled. To find the add/drop date for your class click on the calendar icon for each class at myportal.sdccd.edu.

Q. What is the withdrawal deadline?

A. The withdrawal deadline is a date that is about 60% of the class meetings. This date varies depending on how a class is scheduled. To find the withdrawal deadline for your class, click on the calendar icon for each class at myportal.sdccd.edu. Students must drop classes they are no longer participating by this date in order to receive a “W” on their academic record. After this date, students must receive an evaluative grade (A, B, C, D, F, I, P/NP), regardless of attendance.

Q. Whose responsibility is it to drop?

A. Faculty are required to clear rosters of inactive enrollment by the census date. After that date, it is the student’s responsibility.

Q. What is inactive enrollment?

A. A student who is no longer actively participating and has accumulated excessive unexcused absences.

Q. What is a no show student?

A. Any student who is absent from the first class meeting.

Q. Are time conflicts allowed?

A. Students may not register for classes with times that overlap (includes 10-minute passing period).

Q. Am I required to take attendance?

A. Yes, faculty must take attendance at each class meeting up to the census date. All absences must be marked on the Attendance tab. It is recommended that faculty continue to maintain attendance records after the census for those students indicated as FED because the last date of known academic activity is required when the student is dropped or if the student is assigned an ‘F’ grade.

  • Faculty teaching positive attendance courses must enter the student attendance hours for each class meeting on the Attendance tab.

  • FED = A student receiving federal aid or veterans benefits

  • Faculty area required to report the last date of known academic activity when assigning an “F” grade to students receiving federal benefits.

  • To satisfy Veteran’s Reporting Requirements, faculty must report drops/withdrawals within 22 calendar days from the Veteran’s last date of known academic activity.

Q. How Do I Know Who is Enrolled?

A. Faculty may download an up-to-date roster at any time at myportal.sdccd.edu. The Class Roster tab also provides a complete list of all students officially enrolled.

Q. How do I submit grades?

A. Faculty submit grades online using the online grade sheet available on the Faculty Portal via myportal.sdccd.edu. In addition, the Assignment of Incomplete form must be submitted to your Dean.

Resources Available to Faculty

Faculty Portal (mySDCCD) - myportal.sdccd.edu

Faculty Portal is a dashboard for faculty to have direct access to information and class management resources. Various functions and resource links are available to faculty, including to view rosters, drop students, post grades, important deadline dates, forms, etc.

Faculty Email

Faculty who have a valid email address on file will receive e-mail reminder notices of the drop deadline, withdrawal deadline and when online grade rosters are available, as well as other important information.

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