Area of Focus - A
  • In progress
  • Area of Focus - A

    Area of Focus

    A - Optimize district support for critical district-wide processes that impact student success and completion. Specifically, SDCCD is seeking peer consultation and support in improving its infrastructure for catalog revision and transcript processing.


    Responsible Person

    Target Date for Achievement

    Action Steps

    Measure of Progress


    Responsible Person

    Target Date for Achievement

    Action Steps

    Measure of Progress


    Streamline and expedite processes by making greater use of digital forms, signatures, and workflows.


    • District Office Dean, Student Services

    • Academic Advising Committee

    • Student Services Council

    • Action Step A: Fall 2022

    • Action Step B-G: Spring 2023

    A. Convert all Evaluations PDF forms to Digital Forms
    B. Review all other student services forms and processesFall 2022 SDCCD Counseling Workshop






    C. Standardize student forms and revise processes as applicable
    D. Convert all other PDF forms to digital forms
    E. Remove unnecessary forms
    F. Develop training, including job aids, timelines, and checklists, and launch training program
    G. Develop and implement a communication plan to share updated forms and processes

    A. 12 Digital Evaluations Forms converted

    B. Student Services reviewed, standardized, and converted to Digital Forms; unnecessary forms deleted


    C. Successful training program launched; 110 of users trained.

    E. Communication plan implemented through emails, websites, JIRA, job aids, etc.


    Develop and implement District procedures or modify existing ones to reflect the use of digital forms and other mechanisms that have improved efficiency. 


    • District Office Educational Services Team 

    •  Academic Advising Committee 

    •  Student Services Council 

    Fall 2022 






    A. Review District procedures and business practices  
    B. Identify barriers and develop and implement a plan to streamline processes, increase efficiency, and remove hurdles to improve completion and student outcomes 
    C. Develop and implement a plan to transition to streamline digital forms  
    D. Revise documentation to reflect new processes (websites, business manuals) 
    E. Develop a comprehensive communication plan to advise students, faculty, staff and administrators of the changes 
    F. Establish training documentation and disseminate it to all constituents 

    A. Review completed

    B. Process streamlining plan implemented; improved and updated streamlined digital District procedures and processes; unnecessary steps eliminated 

    C. Transition plan implemented; transition completed 

    D. Revised documentation 

    E. Communication plan implemented 

    F. Documentation disseminated  



    Identify and implement more efficient ways of operation and/or hire a PeopleSoft expert to aid users in more nimbly using the system. 



    • District Office Educational Services Team 



    Fall 2022-Spring 2023
    (Pending receipt of grant) 

    A. Hire external consulting firm to conduct a thorough PeopleSoft fit gap analysis  
    B. Consulting firm conducts a thorough fit gap analysis 
    C. Review recommendations from fit gap analysis; develop a plan for implementation of approved recommendations 
    D. Revise business practices and operations  
    E. Develop and implement a comprehensive communication plan   
    F. Establish training documentation and identify professional development opportunities  
    A. Consulting firm hired 
    B. Analysis completed; recommended strategies identified 
    C. Plan to implement recommendations (timelines and outcomes) formulated 
    D. Recommendations implemented; new/revised business practices and operations in PeopleSoft. 
    E. Communication Plan implemented to include webinars and written communication 
    F. Training documentation and list of professional development activities disseminated 
    G. # users trained 

    Evaluate and update forms and processes used by the College of Continuing Education for transcript evaluation. 


    • District Office Educational Services Team 

    Spring 2023

    Delayed until January 2024, consultant had a medical emergency

    A. Review forms and processes used by the College of Continuing Education for Transcript Evaluation and identify gaps 
    B. Create a list of key stakeholders involved in the transcript evaluation processes  
    C. Revise/Develop forms, procedures and business practices to streamline transcript evaluation for Continuing Education Students  
    D. Develop and implement a comprehensive communication plan 
    E. Establish and implement a training program 



    Develop and implement a routine review process of business practices to ensure continuous use of streamlined/intuitive electronic processes to reduce mechanical steps. 


    • District Office Educational Services Team 





    Document infrastructural barriers to student success and completion, and develop and implement a plan for resolving those issues. 


    • Vice Chancellor Educational Services 

    • Student Services Supervisor 

    • Business Systems Analysts 

    Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 


    Provide professional development for all constituencies focused on improved student onboarding and how best to facilitate an excellent student experience 



    • Dean, Student Services 

    • Guided Pathways Committee Members  

    • Vice Presidents, Instructional Services 

    • Vice Presidents, Student Services 



    Spring 2023 


    Research and adopt additional best practices for onboarding students  (Caring Campus) 


    • Dean, Student Services 

    • Guided Pathways Committee Members  

    • Vice Presidents, Instructional Services 

    • Vice Presidents, Student Services 



    Fall 2022 



    Assess Board policy and business practices regarding the evaluation of all transcripts, even when a student is not using previously earned credits for their degree, and make changes as the findings warrant. 


    • Academic Advising Committee  

    • Student Services Supervisor 

    • Student Services Council 


    Spring 2023 


    Develop and implement a stronger communication model, allowing for participation of all in its creation 


    Vice Chancellor Educational Services 

    Launch Spring 2023

    Status and Evidence

    Objective 1 - Streamline and expedite processes by making greater use of digital forms, signatures, and workflows. 

    A. Completed as of 12/14/2022

    Completed - Digital Evaluations Forms converted - Student Evaluation Forms

    B. Completed as of 12/14/2022

    Removed the “Code Out W Form” for San Diego Mesa College

    C. COMPLETED AS OF 12/20/2022

    D. Completed as of 12/20/2022

    Objective 2 - Develop and implement District procedures or modify existing ones to reflect the use of digital forms and other mechanisms that have improved efficiency. 

    Student Services Council



    Action Items



    Action Items

    October 06, 2022

    • Added Priority Enrollment for Apprenticeship Students

    November 03, 2022



    Academic Advising Meeting Notes

    Academic Advising Review Committee

    • Modified Unit Override Process to remove redundancies and streamline decision-making - [1]

    Objective 3 - Identify and implement more efficient ways of operation and/or hire a PeopleSoft expert to aid users in more nimbly using the system. 

    Consulting Resources

    • Mark Leenhouts - Academic Advising Consultant (Estimated start date: January 2023)

      • Conduct an initial review of the current academic structure and the issues that staff see with this structure. This will include conversations with the evaluation staff responsible for directly maintaining this configuration, but also include others who may be impacted by any changes (such as institutional research and reporting, for example).

      • Develop a list of recommended changes and identify any expected impacts for your review and discussion

      • Work with the client to develop a plan for implementing these changes and assist with managing the implementation activities.

      • Provide additional assistance as needed in other areas as agreed upon by both the client and consultant.


    Objective 4: Evaluate and Update Forms for Continuing Education for Transcript Evaluation

    The document is a comprehensive report on the Transcript Evaluation Process Analysis conducted by the Strata Information Group (SIG) for the San Diego Community College District (SDCCD) as part of its strategic plan. The report, authored by Judson Matthews, Senior Process Consultant at SIG, details the analysis carried out through a series of Business Process Analysis (BPA) workshops aimed at improving the student and SDCCD staff experience in the transcript evaluation process. Here's a summary of the key components of the report broken down by approach, observations, recommendations for potential projects, opportunities, and obstacles.


    • The focus was on enhancing the journey of students and staff from initial inquiry to evaluation.

    • The workshops included reviewing process analysis principles, mapping existing processes, identifying obstacles, and opportunities for improvement, and developing ideal processes to align with SDCCD’s objectives

    Key findings from the evaluation revealed a notable number of students submit their applications in person. Challenges such as limited access to counselors, disjointed procedures, and a heavy dependence on paper-based forms were identified. To address these issues and streamline the process, goals were set to enhance the experiences of students, improve communications and efficiency, integrate technological tools, and encourage cooperation and understanding throughout the district. Initiatives aimed at meeting these goals include implementing quick-win strategies such as training for Outreach Ambassadors, reorganizing counselor responsibilities, enhancing the functionality of online portals, and bettering the communication between students and counselors. Areas identified for further improvement involve enhancing the student portal's messaging capabilities, minimizing redundant processes, improving access to records, standardizing procedures, and forming partnerships with community organizations. Challenges to these improvements include a lack of transparency for students, difficulty accessing campus-specific counselors, problems with physical storage, inconsistent versions of forms, and varying policies on document retention and archiving.

    The report underscores the necessity of a comprehensive approach that melds technological advancements with redefined processes to foster significant enhancements. It points out the critical role of cooperation across different organizational levels, the establishment of uniform practices, and the importance of improved communication channels to simplify the process of transcript evaluation, thereby elevating the experience of both students and staff.



    Objective 5 - Develop and implement a routine review process of business practices to ensure continuous use of streamlined/intuitive electronic processes to reduce mechanical steps. 

    • Evaluator Business Process Updated (Fall 2022)

    • Counselor Manual Updated (Fall 2022)

    • PeopleSoft fit gap analysis:

    We have created a more efficient procedure for students pursuing baccalaureate degrees at SDCCD. Following thorough discussions with all stakeholders, it was agreed to adopt a system that allows the use of multiple numbers for a single academic career. Presently, we are in the testing phase of this adjustment, with an anticipated implementation date in September 2024. This modification will facilitate students' enrollment in upper-division courses during their final semester of the associate degree program.

    Following an exhaustive evaluation, we were unable to identify a method to eliminate the redundant entry of academic plans for degree audit within Campus Solutions. Consequently, we have resolved to maintain our existing procedure while persisting in our search for potential enhancements and integrations.






    Bachelors Career 400 and above


    Future Items:

    • Pending results of PeopleSoft fit gap analysis

    • Will continue to review business processes during the monthly Academic Advising and Bi-weekly Student Services Council meetings.

    Objective 6 - Document infrastructural barriers to student success and completion, and develop and implement a plan for resolving those issues. 

    Pending Consultant review of Transcript Evaluation Process:

    Hired Strata Information Group to document and map out transcript evaluation process and provide recommendations for improvement.

    • Discovery –

      • Understand roadmap for Campus Solutions upgrade (IT)

      • Meet with the District office (e.g., Registrar’s office) to draft a high-level map of current

    • Map the current process in detail

      • Meet with large set of stakeholders (District office and IT

      • Understand differences and similarities between the colleges

      • Identify opportunities and obstacles

    • Develop “future state” process in detail -

      • Meet with a large set of stakeholders (District Office and IT)

      • Leverage the opportunities identified during previous sessions

      • Take advantage of new functionality in Campus Solutions – including mobile

    • Create an action plan to implement new process -

      • Includes current and future state maps

      • Prioritized next steps

    Objective 7 - Provide professional development for all constituencies focused on improved student onboarding and how best to facilitate an excellent student experience  

    Best Practices

    New Onboarding Experience - Link to Guided Pathway Onboarding Process Map https://sdccd.invisionapp.com/freehand/SDCCD-Student-Pathway-LdhK8ieaO?dsid_h=6ecfdbfa90e6f31642413d6d7f32e87f8732f45ea89f6b33802a3a451f66ac6e&uid_h=95379e6c7d8f8d7284c78f092babe4bc2942dfba87df83f07b86e423ba9f39d5

    Objective 8 - Research and adopt additional best practices for onboarding students

    Caring Campus:

    Objective 9 - Assess Board policy and business practices regarding the evaluation of all transcripts, even when a student is not using previously earned credits for their degree, and make changes as the findings warrant. 

    To Do:

    • CACCRAO Listserv Transcript Evaluation Survey

      • When do you require transcripts to be evaluated?

      • When do you require students to submit official transcripts?

      • What is your average turn-around time for transcript evaluations?

      • What software/vendor do you use to receive official transcripts? Imaging Software?

      • Do you automatically clear prerequisites? Who clears them?

      • How many evaluators does your college have?

      • What do your evaluators do? (Check all that apply)

        • Post unit totals

        • Course-to-course articulation

        • Prerequisite clearances

        • Graduation Evaluations

        • ADT Verifications

      • FTES

      • Student Headcount

    Objective 10 - Develop and implement a stronger communication model, allowing for the participation of all in its creation 

    Communications and Emails



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