Label | Description |
Business Process | Registration |
Prerequisites | Students must have an active application on file. |
Description | This Job Aid will go over the process to find Honors Class Sections scheduled for the semester. |
Step | Instructions |
1 | Click on the College Student Dashboard tile. |
2 | Click on the Class Search Quicklink in the Student Quicklinks box. |
3 | Select the Term from the drop-down menu. |
4 | Select the College from the drop-down menu. Note: To see Honors class sections for all campuses, leave the College field blank. |
5 | Select the Subject from the drop-down menu. Note: To see Honors class sections across all subjects, leave the Subject field blank. |
6 | In the Requirement Designation field, select Honors from the drop-down menu. |
7 | Click the Search button. |
8 | You will be re-directed to the results page which will display Honors Class Sections based on your search criteria. Note: Click on the Class Number to see details for the specific class section you are interested in. |
9 | The Class Detail Page will provide important information about the class section. Note: Pay attention to the Class Notes, they contain important information about how to enroll into the class section! |
10 | End of Process. |