Area of Focus
C - Improve business practices and service to students by streamlining processes to reduce the time it takes for transcript evaluation.
Objective | Responsible Person | Target Date for Achievement | Action Steps | Measure of Progress | ||||||
1 |
| Vice Chancellor Educational Services Vice Chancellor Human Resources | Fall 2022-Spring 2023 |
| A. Completed evaluator classification study B. Updated evaluator classification and pay as appropriate C. New Student Services Technician Position created D. Student Services Technician hired E. Job duties assigned as specified | ||||||||||
2 |
| Academic Advising Committee | Fall 2022 |
| A. Academic Advising Committee |
change, values, goals, mission and action plan approved B. Communications implemented through emails, websites, manuals, etc. C. New focus documented in meeting agendas and minutes D. Communication plan implemented for outcomes and actions | |||||||||||
3 | Develop and implement a process to monitor Academic Advising Committee outcomes and actions
| Academic Advising Committee | Annual |
| A. Evaluation method to measure outcomes and actions implemented B. Communication plan implemented C. Ongoing communication delivery documented | ||||||
4 |
| District Office Educational Services Team Student Services Council Academic Advising Committee | Fall 2022 |
| A. Challenges identified and discussed B. Collaboration opportunities identified C. Group norms for communication implemented D. Evaluator hour regularly scheduled E. Connection opportunities documented in meeting minutes and agendas F. Communication plan implemented through emails, websites, business manuals, etc. | ||||||
5 |
| District Office Educational Services Team | Spring 2023 |
| A. Consultant retained B. Review completed; map of existing transcript evaluation process with recommendations for new transcript evaluation process C. Updated transcript evaluation process, practices, policies, and procedures implemented D. Communications delivered through websites, emails, forms, etc. E. Training documentation completed F. User training completed; # of users trained |
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| ||||||||
Status as of Date |
Status | ||||
Tip |
Completed - Digital Evaluations Forms converted |
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Status | ||||
Tip |
Documentation and Evidence |
Objective 1 - Conduct a job reclassification study of the evaluator positions in light of their workload, complexity of work performed versus pay, and comparison to other positions at the same level of pay, and take action as the findings warrant.
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C. Link to board agenda Item: http://go.boarddocs.com/ca/sdccd/Board.nsf/goto?open&id=CH5SJV72F873
Objective 2 - Restructure Academic Advising Committee meetings to focus discussions on outcomes and actions needed to accomplish agreed-upon outcomes
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Objective 3 - Develop and implement a process to monitor Academic Advising Committee outcomes and actions
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Objective 4 - Develop and implement a communication plan to ensure effective communication between counselors and evaluators. Ensure follow-up to provide resources both groups need to render maximum service to students.
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Start dialogue based on outcome of transcript evaluation process mapping.
Increase number of committees where counselors and evaluators meet (e.g. Academic Advising Committee, Curriculum Committee, Academic Standards)
Implement a districtwide Counselor and Evaluator Meeting (possibly having evaluators go to the Counseling Department Meetings)
Objective 5 - Conduct a comprehensive review and assessment of all touch points of the transcript evaluation process: Transcript Team, Evaluator, Counselor, Articulation Officer, all associated managers/supervisors (including Deans/VPs). Make improvements in the process based upon the findings.
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Link to Statement of Work from SIG