| Objective | Responsible Person | Target Date for Achievement | Action Steps | Measure of Progress |
1 | Streamline and expedite processes by making greater use of digital forms, signatures, and workflows. | | | - C. Standardize student forms and revise processes as applicable
- D. Convert all other PDF forms to digital forms
- E. Remove unnecessary forms
- F. Develop training, including job aids, timelines, and checklists, and launch training program
- G. Develop and implement a communication plan to share updated forms and processes
| A. 12 Digital Evaluations Forms converted B. Student Services reviewed, standardized, and converted to Digital Forms; unnecessary forms deleted C. Successful training program launched; 110 of users trained. View file |
name | attendees-414978711497.pdf |
E. Communication plan implemented through emails, websites, JIRA, job aids, etc.
2 | Develop and implement District procedures or modify existing ones to reflect the use of digital forms and other mechanisms that have improved efficiency. | | Fall 2022 | - A. Review District procedures and business practices
- B. Identify barriers and develop and implement a plan to streamline processes, increase efficiency, and remove hurdles to improve completion and student outcomes
- C. Develop and implement a plan to transition to streamline digital forms
- D. Revise documentation to reflect new processes (websites, business manuals)
- E. Develop a comprehensive communication plan to advise students, faculty, staff and administrators of the changes
- F. Establish training documentation and disseminate it to all constituents
| A. Review completed B. Process streamlining plan implemented; improved and updated streamlined digital District procedures and processes; unnecessary steps eliminated C. Transition plan implemented; transition completed D. Revised documentation E. Communication plan implemented F. Documentation disseminated |
3 | Identify and implement more efficient ways of operation and/or hire a PeopleSoft expert to aid users in more nimbly using the system. Status |
colour | Blue |
title | in progress |
| | Fall 2022-Spring 2023 (Pending receipt of grant) | - A. Hire external consulting firm to conduct a thorough PeopleSoft fit gap analysis
- B. Consulting firm conducts a thorough fit gap analysis
- C. Review recommendations from fit gap analysis; develop a plan for implementation of approved recommendations
- D. Revise business practices and operations
- E. Develop and implement a comprehensive communication plan
- F. Establish training documentation and identify professional development opportunities
| - A. Consulting firm hired
- B. Analysis completed; recommended strategies identified
- C. Plan to implement recommendations (timelines and outcomes) formulated
- D. Recommendations implemented; new/revised business practices and operations in PeopleSoft.
- E. Communication Plan implemented to include webinars and written communication
- F. Training documentation and list of professional development activities disseminated
- G. # users trained
4 | Evaluate and update forms and processes used by the College of Continuing Education for transcript evaluation. | | Spring 2023 Delayed until January 2024, consultant had a medical emergency | - A. Review forms and processes used by the College of Continuing Education for Transcript Evaluation and identify gaps
- B. Create a list of key stakeholders involved in the transcript evaluation processes
- C. Revise/Develop forms, procedures and business practices to streamline transcript evaluation for Continuing Education Students
- D. Develop and implement a comprehensive communication plan
- E. Establish and implement a training program
| - A. Review completed; gaps identified
- B. List of key stakeholders created
Report of recommendations shared with Chancellor’s Cabinet - C. Forms developed and approved ; new/revised processes implemented
- D. Communication plan implemented through emails, websites, JIRA, job aids, etc.
- E. Successful training program launched: # of users trained
5 | Develop and implement a routine review process of business practices to ensure continuous use of streamlined/intuitive electronic processes to reduce mechanical steps. Status |
colour | Blue |
title | In Progress |
| | Continuous—Annual | - A. Implement an annual comprehensive assessment to evaluate the efficacy of business practices and policies
- B. Update processes as necessary to eliminate paper processes
- C. Communicate new business practices as necessary
- D. Develop and disseminate training documentation
| - A. Assessment process implemented to evaluate business practices
- B. Electronic systems and processes implemented as needed
- C. Communications delivered as needed via emails, websites, etc.
- D. Training documentation disseminated; # of users trained
6 | Document infrastructural barriers to student success and completion, and develop and implement a plan for resolving those issues. Status |
colour | Blue |
title | In progress |
| | Vice Chancellor Educational Services Student Services Supervisor Business Systems Analysts
| Fall 2022 and Spring 2023 | - A. Review current policies
- B. Identify and map out potential infrastructural barriers to student success and completion
- C. Develop strategies and a plan to resolve issues
- D. Review and modify District procedures and business practices to streamline processes and remove barriers to improve completion and student outcomes
- E. Develop and disseminate student onboarding job aids, timelines, and checklists
- F. Develop and implement a Communication plan to share modified procedures and business processes
- G. Establish and implement a training program
| - A. Review completed
- B. Barriers identified
- C. Comprehensive plan developed to resolve barriers to student success and completion
- D. Procedures and business processes modified in accord with the plan
- E. Onboarding documentation disseminated
- F. Communication plan implemented through emails, websites, JIRA, job aids, etc.
- G. Successful training program launched: # of users trained
7 | Provide professional development for all constituencies focused on improved student onboarding and how best to facilitate an excellent student experience Status |
colour | Blue |
title | in progress |
| Dean, Student Services Guided Pathways Committee Members Vice Presidents, Instructional Services Vice Presidents, Student Services
| Spring 2023 | - A. Research best practices for student onboarding
- B. Revise student onboarding practices
- C. Develop and implement key pathways of communication across the lifecycle of students (orientation, admissions, enrollment, graduation, alumni)
- D. Identify professional development opportunities for student onboarding
- E. Communicate changes to student onboarding practices and professional development opportunities
| - A. Resource library of best practices completed
- B. Onboarding practices revised
- C. Communication pathways implemented
- D. Professional development documents/program designed and offered; # of faculty, staff, and administrators attending professional development opportunities
- E. Communications are implemented through emails, websites, JIRA, job aids, etc.
8 | Research and adopt additional best practices for onboarding students (Caring Campus) Status |
colour | Blue |
title | in progress |
| Dean, Student Services Guided Pathways Committee Members Vice Presidents, Instructional Services Vice Presidents, Student Services
| Fall 2022 | - A. Research SDCCD colleges using Caring Campus or similar programs
- B. Hold caring campus orientation sessions
- C. Identify institutional Caring Campus commitments
- D. Publish and communicate institutional commitments
- E. Identify professional development opportunities
| - A. List of SDCCD Colleges using Caring Campus
- B. Orientation sessions provided
- C. Documentation of Caring Campus commitments (websites)
- D. Commitments disseminated
- E. List of professional development opportunities disseminated; # of participants trained
9 | Assess Board policy and business practices regarding the evaluation of all transcripts, even when a student is not using previously earned credits for their degree, and make changes as the findings warrant. Status |
colour | Blue |
title | in progress |
| | Spring 2023 | - A. Research best practices and regulations regarding transcript evaluation
- B. Review policies and business practices regarding evaluation of all transcripts; identify gaps with best practices and make recommendations for revision
- C. Revise policies and business practices
- D. Communicate new policies and business practices to all constituents
- E. Develop and disseminate training documentation
- F. Hold training sessions
| - A. Research completed; repository of best practices and regulations established
- B. Review completed; gaps identified; recommendations issued
- C. Updated policies and business practices approved and implemented
- D. Communications implemented through emails, website, manuals, job aids
- E. Training documentation disseminated
- F. Training sessions offered; # constituents trained
10 | Develop and implement a stronger communication model, allowing for participation of all in its creation Status |
colour | Green |
title | Completed |
| Vice Chancellor Educational Services | Launch Spring 2023 | - A. Develop and disseminate clear communication objectives
- B. Conduct a stakeholder/audience analysis to identify constituents, their relationship to the college(s), communication needs, best method(s) to reach target audiences
- C. Conduct a communication channels analysis to determine best method(s) to reach target audiences: website, email, text, portal, JIRA, flyers, videos, manuals, job aids, social media etc.
- D. Identify strategic partners (Curriculum Instructional Council, Student Services Council, Academic Senate, Chairs meetings, Associated Student Government, etc,), and establish protocols for each.
- E. Develop key messages, distribution lists; relevant timelines
- F. Develop resources and content
- G. Deliver ongoing communication to increase transparency of decisions, practices, and accomplishments
- H. Develop and implement feedback and improvement mechanisms
| - A. Clear communication objectives disseminated
- B. Primary stakeholders; analysis of their needs and communication preferences completed
- C. Communication map of constituents and preferred communication methods completed.
- D. Protocols for strategic partners established
- E. Message templates, distribution lists, and timelines completed
- F. Resources and content developed
- G. Ongoing content delivery documented
- H. Feedback and improvement mechanism implemented