The San Diego Community College District, (City, Mesa and Miramar College and College of Continuing Education) will be closed for the winter break from Monday, December 23rd and will re-open Thursday, January 2nd. Tickets and forms will not be reviewed at this time. Hours of operation will resume on Tuesday, January 2nd.
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Student Support Desk
Please select the type of member for a list of support options available to you. If you have a general question, try the search feature in the top right corner by clicking on the magnifying glass icon.
Faculty Support Desk
For faculty related items with Campus Solutions, flex, faculty forms, student evaluations requests etc. submit a Faculty Help Ticket below.
For IT related issues such as PeopleSoft password resets, SDCCD email, office hardware and software (including Microsoft Office 365), please contact the IT Help Desk at or (619) 388-7000.
For HR related issues, such as payroll, timesheets, and benefits questions, please contact Human Resources at
District Educational Services
Service Desk for Staff/Managers. Include security requests, bug support, and submitting forms to the district (non student/faculty forms).
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