Tuition - Calculating and Viewing For Multiple Students

Calculating and Viewing Tuition For Multiple Students

Business ProcessTuition Calculation
ModuleStudent Financials

Student must enrollment is required


This Job Aid illustrates how to calculate and view tuition for multiple students using a batch process.  This process can be setup so that it automatically calculates tuition at times when processing demands are low.



Click on [] then [] and navigate to to Student Financials -> Tuition and Fees -> Calculate Batch Tuition -> Calculate Tuition


This process can be run by using an already existing Run Control ID or you can add (create) a new value.  Creating a Run Control ID that is relevant to the report may help you remember it for future use.

A Run Control ID is an identifier that, when paired with your User ID, uniquely identifies the process you are running.  The Run Control ID defines parameters that are used when a process is run.  This ensures that when a process runs in the background, the system does not prompt you for additional values.

Click the “Add a New Value” page (tab).

3.Enter the appropriate information into the “Run Control ID” field (e.g. "TEST").


Click the “Add” button [].

5.Use the Tuition for Multiple Students page to enter the required parameters.  These parameters will be used to define the processing rules and data to be included when the process is run.


Use the “Run Option” field to specify what to calculate for this batch of students.  There are seven choices:

Calc and Post Tuition, Waivers: Calculates and posts tuition and fee waivers for all students who meet the criteria that you select on this page.

Calculate Tuition only: Calculates but does not post tuition for all students who meet the criteria that you select on this page. This option does not calculate or post waivers.

Calculate Waivers only: Calculates but does not post waivers for all students who meet the criteria that you select on this page. This option does not calculate or post tuition.

Calculate and Post Tuition: Calculates and posts tuition only for all students who meet the criteria that you select on this page.

Calculate and Post Waivers: Calculates and posts fee waivers only for all students who meet the criteria that you select on this page.

Post Tuition only: Posts tuition that you have already calculated.

Post Waivers only: Posts waivers that you have already calculated.


Use the “Select Option” field to specify how students should be selected for tuition calculation.  There are two choices:

All students: Calculates tuition for all students, regardless of when their tuition was last calculated.

Required Only: Calculates tuition for students who meet the criteria on the page and for whom the tuition calculation required flag is set to yes.


Click in the “Academic Career” field.

Use the “Academic Career” field to select an optional academic career for which you want to calculate tuition and fees. You can leave this field blank to calculate tuition for all careers limited by your run option and select option settings.

Enter the appropriate information (e.g. “UGRD”) into the “Academic Career” field.


Click in the “Term” field.

Use the “Term” field to select an optional term for which you want to calculate tuition and fees.  Enter the appropriate information (e.g. “2175”) into the “Term” field.


Click in the “Academic Program” field.

Use the “Academic Program” field to select an optional academic program for which you want to calculate tuition and fees.  Leave this field blank to calculate tuition and fees for all eligible students in all academic programs limited by your run option and select options settings.

Enter the appropriate information (e.g. “ASSOC”) into the Academic Program field.


At this point, you would continue to run the Tuition for Multiple Students process just as you would any other PeopleSoft Enterprise Process Scheduler process.

Refer to the Running Reports module for an example of running a process.

After you successfully run the process, you will review the messages associated with the calculation.

Click the “Display Messages” link [].

Enter the Batch ID# into the “Batch ID” field.  There are 12 digits in a Batch ID number (e.g. "000000000026").

Click the “Search” [] button.


Use the Fee Calc Messages (Batch) page to review the warning and error messages for all of the students calculated in this batch.

In the “Messages 1” page (tab), the Warnings don't mean that the tuition has not been calculated properly.  Rather, these warnings signify whether (or not) certain criteria have been included in the tuition calculation.


Click the “Messages 2” page (tab) [].

The “Messages 2” page (tab) displays more fee calculation information.


Next, you will use the Fees After Calculation (Batch) page to see the tuition calculation results.

From the Navigator, click the Review Fees After Calculation link

16.Use the Fees After Calculation (Batch) page to review fees after batch tuition calculation.


Click the “View All” link.

The Tuition and Fees pages (tabs) display the tuition and the fees that were calculated for each student.


Click the “Tuition and Fees 2” tab [].

The “Tuition and Fees 2” tab displays course and session information.


Click the “Tuition and Fees 3” page (tab) [].

The “Tuition and Fees 3” page (tab) displays waivers, calendar, and adjustment information.


Click the “Tuition and Fees 4” page (tab) [].

The “Tuition and Fees 4” page (tab) displays billing and academic career information.

21.End of job aid.