Creating Counselor Notes and Student Contacts

Creating Counselor Notes and Student Contacts






Business Process

EOPS/CARE Counseling




Students must already have completed EOPS Orientation and be assigned the Fall requirements checklist


This job aid will walk you through the process to complete a student contact and create/maintain counselor notes.

 If you do not see the Fall or Spring requirements, please let the EOPS technician know.Students must be an active EOPS student for the requirements to show.

Link to Video Training: 


Be sure to set your User Defaults and Allow for pop-ups.

If you are having difficulty logging into mySDCCD, be sure to clear your cache.  If you're still experiencing difficulties contact the help desk at myhelp@sdccd.edu or by calling us at x6800.





Login to mySDCCD at http://my.sdccd.edu 



In the top right corner, click on the navbar icon  then click on Navigator


Navigate to Campus Solutions → MIS/320 Reporting → MIS Data Collection → Student EOPS Data


This will bring you to the search page that will ask you which student you wish to view.

At the search page, pull up the student you wish to update.  Note you can also look up a student by their first and last name, but the fastest method is by using their ID.

  • Enter in SDCCD as the Academic Institution 

    •  This is always going to be SDCCD

  • Enter in UGRD as the Academic Career

    • This will always be UGRD

  • Enter in your Campus (CITY, MESA or MIRA)

  • Enter the Reporting Term (e.g. 2187 for Fall 2018 or 2193 for Spring 2019)

Once you enter in the appropriate information, click on 

 Note: If you click on search and see more than one entry, be sure you're clicking on the right student AND the right term/semester.


The first page you should see in the EOPS Information tab.  This page is where you will enter your "Student Contact" counselor notes at the bottom


Most of the other information on this page will be completed by the EOPS technician.  EOPS/CARE counselors will just be entering in their counseling notes at the bottom.  To do so, click on the + in the "Student Contacts" section.

Once you add a row, be sure to select the appropriate contact type for the student.


Next you'll need to enter in your counselor notes.  To do so, click on the "Notes" tab in the "Student Contacts" section.

Type in your notes, and then click on Save.  

 You may get an error message when saving, please note that until all offices are in the new system, this message can be ignored.


Next you'll need to complete the student's "to-do" item so they know they completed one of their EOPS requirements.  Click on the 3C status tab at the top.


On the 3C Status page, you will see several checklists assigned to the student in varying statuses:

The Item Codes/Descriptions display the items that you will be completing once they are processed:

Fall Semester:

  • XECNF1 - EOPS: Meet with a Counselor (First Fall Contact)

  • XECNF2 - EOPS: Follow-Up Appt/Prog Rept (Second Fall Contact)

  • XECNF3 - EOPS: Fall End of Term Session (Third Fall Contact)

  • XFPROG - EOPS: Fall Progress Report

Spring Semester:

  • XECNS1 - EOPS: Meet with a Counselor (First Spring Contact)

  • XECNS2 - EOPS: Follow-Up Appt/Prog Rept (Second Spring Contact)

  • XECNS3 - EOPS: Spring End of Term Session (Third Spring Contact)

  • XSPROG - EOPS: Spring Progress Report


Click on the appropriate contact item code (e.g. if this is the second Fall Contact, you would click on XECNF2)


This will open a new tab (make sure you allow pop-ups) and will take you to the checklist management page where you will update the checklist item status.  Once a student completes an item, they will mark it as "Complete"

 Be sure you're updating the correct checklist item.  Once you click on the right status, click on the "Save" button - 

Once you finish this, go ahead and close the window.  


If you need to select another student, click on "Return to Search" Otherwise be sure to save.


You're done!