Element Attributes
DED Table and # | COURSE SECTION CS097 |
Short Name | CEDE HRS |
Definition for UGRD | N/A |
Definition for CE | This element is the number of Distance Education hours an online section has. It is used for FTES calculations using the Alternative Attendance Accounting Method - Noncredit and calculate the WSCH Factor. Total number of hours is by adding a) the total number of hours of instruction, b) the number of hours expected for any outside-of-class work, and c) Any instructor contact hours (Title 5, Section 55204). Take that number and divide by 54 to get the WSCH. You first multiply the WSCH Factor by the number of students actively enrolled at first census. You multiply the WSCH Factor by the number of stuents enrolled at second census as well. Add those two values, take the average and divide by 525 to calculate FTES. Currently this calculation is resulting in high FTES and is being investigated. |
Definition for CEHS | Same as CE |
Origin | New element |
DED Entry Last Updated | 3/29/2021 |
PeopleSoft Datamart Attributes
Record(s) | X_IR_CRSE_DAT |
Field Name | X_CE_DE_HRS |
Heading Text | CE DE Hours |
Front-End Path | Curriculum Management > Schedule of classes > Maintain Schedule of Classes > Meeting Tab |
Num5.2 | |
Value Labels for UGRD | Expected value is 0.00 for UGRD. |
Value Labels for CE | No value labels needed.
Ex. 90.00 |
Value Labels for CEHS | No value labels needed.
Ex. 90.00 |
No | |
No |
Known Issues, Related Details, and Other Notes