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Tip: Email and invoice will be sent to college president once the inquiry is submitted
Application fee is $1,500


Substantive Change Application


This section of the manual provides step-by-step instructions for completing the substantive change application. Note, ACCJC Substantive Change Application changed effective summer 2024.

titleTitle of Application and Description

Complete the fields in the template: Title of Award, Date of Inquiry, Anticipated Start Date, Institution Name and Address, ALO and Contact information. See ACCJC Application Template.

Note, institutions should complete the Substantive Change Inquiry Form if they change the title of their degree.


It is the institution’s responsibility to demonstrate the effect of a substantive change on the quality, integrity, capacity, and effectiveness of the total institution. The substantive change process requires evidence of institutional planning, resource commitment to the proposed change, and evidence that following the change, the institution continues to meet the Eligibility Requirements, Accreditation Standards and Commission policies. References to the Accreditation Standards are intended to help provide the institution with a framework for its response, and along with the required documentation, align with federal regulations for accreditation standards[1]. Your thorough responses to the questions below and submission of required documentation will assist ACCJC in making its determination.

titleConcise Description of Proposed Program

Provide a detailed description of the program, including Program Learning Outcomes and CareersDescribe how the baccalaureate degree is consistent with the mission of the institution (Standard 1.1). See CCCCO BDP Application:

All baccalaureate degrees offered by a California Community College must meet the minimum
requirements outlined in this section. These requirements are designed to ensure the baccalaureate degrees are equivalent or superior to other baccalaureate degrees offered by other community colleges or universities throughout the United States. Each degree program must include the following
  • Cycle 2: Section 22;

  • Cycle 3: Question 8: Program Quality and Curriculum Design

titleMinimum Requirements of the Baccalaureate Degree
  • Cycle 6: Program Quality and Curriculum Design (questions 12 and 13)


Include in your response the rationale and internal approval process for the proposed program (e.g., Curriculum Committee, Academic Senate, Board of Trustees, students, advisory boards, community members, etc.).

titleBaccalaureate Degree Integrated into the Institution's regular review

Describe how the baccalaureate degree will be integrated into the institution’s regular review of relevant and meaningfully disaggregated data to evaluate its progress and inform plans for improvement and innovation (Standard 1.3).

titleBaccalaureate Degree reflects appropriate breadth, depth, learning outcomes

Does Baccalaureate Degree have a minimum of 120 credits?

  •  Yes
  •  No

Is Baccalaureate Degree more than 120 credits?

  •  Yes
  •  No

If yes, provide justification for additional credits.

Include in your response the student learning outcomes for the baccalaureate degree.

Include program sheet for the college catalog

Consider including requirements:

A combination of lower division and upper division coursework totaling a minimum of 120

semester or 180 quarter units that are applicable to a baccalaureate degree as defined within
these guidelines.

  1. Completion of the CSU (California State University) General Education Breadth or
    Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum pattern.

  2. Completion of a minimum of 40 semester or 60 quarter units of upper division courses,
    including a minimum of nine semester or 14 quarter units of upper division general education.

  3. The general education requirements are integrated and distributed to both lower and upper
    division courses.

Program Requirements:

Include lower division, upper division major requirements, and upper division general education

See CCCCO BDP Application:

  • Cycle 2: Section 22;

  • Cycle 3: Question 8: Program Quality and Curriculum Design

  • Cycle 6: Program Quality and Curriculum Design (questions 12 and 13)

titleUpper-Division General Education

Describe the upper-level general education requirements for the baccalaureate degree (Standard 2.3).

titleSchedule to Ensure Completion in Expected Period of Time

Describe how courses in the baccalaureate degree will be scheduled to ensure completion in the expected period of time (Standard 2.5).

titleEquitable and Effective Serices and Programs

Describe how the institution designs and delivers equitable and effective services and programs (e.g., counseling, advising, tutoring, library, etc.) that support students in the baccalaureate degree (Standard 2.7).

titleEquitable Student Achievement

Describe how the institution systematically reviews and assesses the baccalaureate degree to ensure quality and implement improvements and innovations in support of equitable student achievement (Standard 2.9).

titleQualified Faculty, Staff, Administrators

Describe how the institution employs qualified faculty, staff, administrators, and other personnel to support and sustain the baccalaureate degree (Standard 3.1).

Include faculty qualifications

titleFiscal Resources

Provide a budget showing evidence the institution has the capacity to start and maintain the proposed baccalaureate degree.

(Standard 3.4).

titlePhysical Resources

Describe the institution’s physical resources including, if applicable, equipment and supplies, to support and sustain the baccalaureate degree (Standard 3.8).

titleTechnology Resources

Describe the institution’s technology resources to support and sustain the baccalaureate degree (Standard 3.9).

titleDecision-Making Structures

Describe how the institution’s decision-making structures support innovation and equitable student outcomes for the baccalaureate degree (Standard 4.3).


Describe any external approval process for the baccalaureate degree (state/federal approvals, etc.).

Include documentation, if appropriate, of state/regional authorization with application, or within one year of ACCJC approval.

titleRequired Documentation

Provide a hyperlink or include documentation for each item below. Be sure to provide a clear, descriptive name for each document.

·      Documentation of the institution’s advertising and recruitment policies, demonstrating alignment with the Policy on Institutional Advertising and Student Recruitment.

·      Policies/processes for student complaints, demonstrating how the institution communicates process to students and handles complaints with due process.

·      Documentation of institution’s implementation of the required components of the Title IV Program (if applicable), including:

o   Findings from any audits and program/other review activities by the U.S. Department of Education (ED)

o   Evidence of timely corrective action taken in response to any Title IV audits or program reviews

See Policy on Institutional Compliance with Title IV

titleSupporting Evidence

Provide any evidence that supports the narrative above as separate files. Please link evidence where appropriate in the narrative. Do not embed evidence files into the application.

titleRationale for Proposed Program

Provide a brief overview of the need for the program.

See CCCCO BDP Application:

  • Cycle 2: Sections 15, 16, 17, 18;

  • Cycle 3: Question 5, 6, 7,

titleEvidence of Sufficient Demand for the Program

Include labor market information, projected enrollments, and completion data of associate degree. See sections 7, 18, and 24 of the CCCCO application.

See CCCCO BDP Application:

  • Cycle 2: Sections 7, 18, 24

  • Cycle 3: Question 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,

Standard I: Mission, Academic Quality and Institutional Effectiveness and Integrity

title Program Consistent with the College's Mission and Goals

Include the college mission, commitment to social justice, and how the degree fulfills the college mission.

See CCCCO BDP Application:

  • Cycle 2: 17

  • Cycle 3: Preapplication certification


titleBaccalaureate Degree Evaluation and Placement in Existing College Planning Process

Explain the program review process. See sections 17, 19, and 24 of the CCCCO application.

See CCCCO BDP Application:

  • Cycle 2: 17, 19, 24

Standard II: Student Learning Programs and Support Services

titleExisting Program Requirements

Provide an overview of the associate degree requirements and explain the pathway to the baccalaureate degree. Provide evidence the baccalaureate degree has 120 credits, 36 units general education including 9 units of upper division GE.

*Note this requirement will change for ACCJC in the 2024 standards. Refer to CCCCO Baccalaureate Degree Standards in the Program and Course Approval Handbook

See CCCCO BDP Application:

  • Cycle 2: Section 22

  • Cycle 3: Question 9


titleImpact on Student Services and Learning Support Services

Explain how students in the program will have access to student services and library and learning support services. Include details about facilities, technology, books, databases, special programs, online resources, library services, and tutoring and support. See sections 19 and 21 of the CCCCO application.

See CCCCO BDP Application:

  • Cycle 2: Section 19, 21

  • Cycle 3: Question 9, 10

Standard III: Resources

titleFaculty, Staff, and Administration

Following guidelines set in SDCCD AP 4200.1, the objective is to employ faculty for contract positions who are highly qualified, skilled in teaching, can serve the needs of a diverse student population, and who are sensitive to the cultural and ethnic diversity of the San Diego community.  

  • The Board of Trustees for the SDCCD has the legal authority and public responsibility for ensuring an effective hiring process.  

  • The District's Managers and Faculty derive their authority from the Board of Trustees and bear the responsibility for implementing this hiring policy.  

  • The Academic Senates have the legal responsibility and authority to contribute to the development of the hiring criteria, policies and procedures and jointly agree upon with the representatives of the Board of Trustees. 

The Faculty derives its authority from their expertise as teachers and as subject matter specialists as noted in Assembly Bill 1725. The Faculty has an inherent professional responsibility in the development and implementation of policies and procedures governing the hiring process and in determining the professional requirements of faculty positions and evaluating the preparedness of candidates. 

Include a brief overview of classified professionals administration, faculty qualifications, student services directory, and District Educational Services Org Chart.

See section 20 of the CCCCO application.

AP 4200.1

See CCCCO BDP Application:

  • Cycle 2: Section 20

  • Cycle 3: Question 10

titleImpact on Rescources: Physical Resources, Technology, Equipment

Provide an overview of the physical resources, technology, equipment, and financial resources to support the program. Additionally, include the adopted budget for the college.

See sections 17 and 19 the CCCCO application

See CCCCO BDP Application:

  • Cycle 2: Section 17, 19

  • Cycle 3: Question 10

Standard IV: Leadership and Governance

titleLeadership and Governance Structure Ensure Academic Quality Institutional Effectiveness

Provide a comprehensive overview of the college governance structure.
