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titleWorkforce Need/Evidence of Sufficient Demand
  1. Evidence of Sufficient Demand

9. Evidence of unmet workforce needs
Upload the required BDP Labor Market Assessment Report produced by
your regional Center of Excellence. The assessment should document relevant workforce data and information about the occupations your program will prepare students to enter. The report must be submitted in its original form as an attachment. The report must include the following:


This is section has been updated for Cycle 6. Read carefully!


Required Documentation: Upload Labor Market Assessment Report produced by your regional Center of Excellence.

The report must include:

State Data Analysis

  • Educational Requirements and Certifications: Summarize the educational requirements, licensing, or third-party certifications needed for up to five identified occupations that the program targets as entry-level positions.

  • Work Experience: Detail the typical work experience preferred for these occupations.

  • Degree Alignment: Analyze whether the proposed degree aligns with educational requirements for the target occupations.

  • Preference for Bachelor’s Degree Holders: Evidence that employers prefer entry-level workers who hold a bachelor’s degree in the proposed field.

  • Salary Differentials: Evidence that employers offer higher salaries to entry-level workers with a bachelor’s degree compared to those with an associate degree or no degree.•

  • Outlook: Provide projected 10-year and annual average job openings for the target occupations in California.

Regional Data Analysis

  • Historical Employment Trends: Analyze historical employment trends for the target occupations in the region.

  • Projected Demand: Detail projected 10-year and annual average job openings to establish demand for workers in the region.

  • Projected Supply: Include historical and projected annual average graduates from similar higher education programs in the region, factoring in the anticipated completions from your new program.

  • Occupational Wages: Compare entry-level wages (25th percentile) for the target occupations against the living wage requirement for a single adult and a single parent with one child in the region.

Centers of Excellence Director Letter of Certification

The report must include a signed letter of certification from the Center of Excellence director that this labor market assessment was conducted specifically for the proposed baccalaureate degree program using the Center of Excellence Baccalaureate Degree Program Labor Market Assessment protocols.

  1. Evidence of Regional Consultation

    Attach the following evidence that shows regional stakeholders
    (employers and workforce development boards) were consulted regarding their workforce needs, specifically related to the need for baccalaureate degree holders and difficulties filling occupations the
    bachelor's program will prepare students to enter.

    1. Consultation with Regional Employers: Attached evidence should include analysis from one or more of the following employer engagement activities:

      1. Option 1: Employer Advisory Board or Working Group: Engage an advisory board or working group comprising regional employers. Document discussions and insights on workforce needs, skill gaps, and the value of a bachelor's degree in the
        proposed field.

        • Submit a standalone analysis of these discussions and insights, and include information on the consulting group
          (tick) Number of employers
          (tick) Approximate number of workers in the occupations, etc

      2. Option 2: Employer Survey: Conduct a survey targeting employers who hire for occupations related to the proposed bachelor's degree. The survey should gather data:
        image-20241017-041919.png the current demand for employees,
        image-20241017-041934.png required qualifications,
        image-20241017-041941.png entry-level wages, and
        image-20241017-041949.png any difficulties in finding qualified candidates.

    2. Consultation with Regional Workforce Development Boards: Include evidence that regional workforce development boards were consulted about the new program.

      • Submit evidence of discussions and insights with Regional Workforce Development Boards on workforce needs, skill gaps, and the value of a bachelor's degree in the proposed field. Evidence can include a written summary of these
        discussions, meeting minutes, correspondence, or official statements from the boards confirming their support or feedback on the proposed degree program; or
        provide documentation of any collaborative efforts or endorsements from these

    3. Regional Consortium Program Recommendation: Submit evidence that your regional consortia has reviewed and/or recommended your proposed program.

      • Submit evidence of program recommendation, which may include regional consortia meeting minutes, screenshots from the CTE Program Recommendation website ( showing your program was recommended, or
        other official documentation.


Note this section has been updated for Cycle 6

  1. Optional attachments


Optional DocumentationUpload additional support from employers: minutes of industry advisory committee meetings and/or regional consortia recommendations, letters from partners or employers, and/or committee

  •  Letters from Partners or Employers
  •  Committee meeting minutes or recommendations

(See Pre-application Workforce Need)

10. Administrative Funding Plans
Provides an explanation of the factors that led to the development of the proposed degree, how it fits within the higher education master plan, faculty qualifications, student support services, impacts to resources, and budget


Required Documentation: Administrative and Funding Plan template

Response is limited to 12 pages

(See pre-application Administrative Funding Plan)

11. Chancellor’s Office recommends that districts adopt policies and practices consistent wit the Budgeting Best Practices published by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). Foremost among these best practices is consideration of financial reserves.

The Chancellor’s Office recommends that districts adopt formal policies to maintain sufficient unrestricted reserves with a suggested minimum of two months of total general fund operating expenditures. See Memo FS 22-03 Fiscal Forward Portfolio and Budget Architecture and Development Recommendations

Please provide a copy of your district's formal policy to maintain unrestricted reserves. *


Required Documentation: District’s Formal Policy to maintain unrestricted reserves.

BP 6300 Fiscal Management

titleProgram Quality and Curriculum Design
  1. Program Description

General information about the program including upper division and lower division courses


Required Documentation
Proposed BDP Description Template (Formerly known as the Duplication Analysis Form)

No page limit

(See Pre-application Non-Duplication Analysis and Program Description)

Program Description
Our college has completed the proposed BDP Description form and understand this form
  •  Other evidence to support the need for your proposal

Provide response in PDF format.

titleProgram Quality and Curriculum Design
  1. Program Description

This form collects general information about the program as well as lower and upper division courses. This document will be shared with CSU, UC, and AICCU for intersegmental Analysisthe purposes of intersegmental review for non-


Required Document: Documentation
Proposed BDP Details Description Template (formerly Formerly known as the Duplication Analysis Form in Cycle 2.Application Question 8. Response no page limit)

No page limit
Submit response in PDF format

(See Pre-application Non-Duplication Analysis and Program Description)


Include the following: College name; title of proposed program; award type (BA or BS); TOP Code; CIP Code; SOC Code/s (SDCCD allows up to 5 SOC Codes); program description; program outcomes; course descriptions and learning outcomes/objectives for all lower division and upper division courses.

Note: lower division GE is not required, upper division general education is required



Develop sequence of courses for upper division curriculum: it is required for submission to COCI for final approval of the curriculum. Do not submit curriculum to COCI until the college has received Full Approval from the CCCCO.


Sample: SDCCD Public Safety Management Cycle 2

  1. Program Quality and Curriculum Design
    Submit curriculum and program details for the proposed baccalaureate degree program. This document asks about the upper division curriculum development and an approval process,
    catalog description, articulation, and industry alignment.


Required Documentation: Program Quality and Curriculum Design
Response is limited to 12 pages
Responses in excess of the stated page limit will not be considered.

(See Pre-application Quality and Design)


Upper Division Curriculum Approval Process Template

Sample Section 24 Curriculum Development and Approval

Sample Final Section 23 Industry Standards

B. Catalog Description
Provide the catalog description for your proposal that includes:

  1. Program requirements and prerequisite skills

  2. Admission requirements and/or enrollment limitations

  3. Program Goals

  4. A listing of course requirements and sequencing

  5. The general education pattern and the calculations used to reach the degree total

  6. An explanation of how the proposed program fits into the college’s existing program inventory

Strong catalog description with well-defined program goals. Curriculum and achievement outcomes are certain, and pathways are clear with semester breakdown of courses and units. Articulation and alignment are addressed. Include program course sequencing.

All baccalaureate degrees offered by a California community college must meet the minimum requirements outlined in this section. These requirements are designed to ensure the baccalaureate degrees are equivalent or superior to other baccalaureate degrees offered by other regionally accredited community colleges or universities throughout the United States. Each degree program must include the following: 

  1. A combination of lower division and upper division coursework totaling a minimum of 120 semester or 180 quarter units that are applicable to a baccalaureate degree as defined within these guidelines. A minimum degree requirement of 60 semester credits or 90 quarter units at the associate level.

  2. At least 36 semester or 54 quarter units of lower division general education is required

  3. Completion of a minimum of 40 semester or 60 quarter units of upper division courses

  4. At least nine semester or 13.5 quarter units of upper division general education coursework is required.

  5. The general education requirements are integrated and distributed to both lower and upper division courses. Currently California community college baccalaureate degrees are required to CSU GE or IGETC lower division general education patterns.

Note: Include any opportunities for credit for prior learning.


Sample: Cycle 2 Final Section 22 Program and Curriculum Design

C. Program Articulation and Transfer

Describe how the proposed program allow for students to transition to other associate degree programs or transfer to other four-year institutions if desired. Describe how lower division and upper division coursework articulate to comparable programs or graduate programs where available.


Sample: Sample Final Section 27 Program Articulation and Transfer

D. Industry Standards

Describe how the proposed program aligns with external industry standards and/or is in good standing with any programmatic accreditation certifications.


Sample: Program Quality Design, including Industry Standards

titleAdministrative and Funding Plans
  •  Administrative and Funding Plan

The Chancellor’s Office recommends district’s adopt policies and practices consistent with Budgeting Best Practices published by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA)Best Practices published by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA).


Per Education Code section 78042(d)(3), a district shall have the expertise and resources to offer a quality baccalaureate degree in the chosen field of study.

Among the best practices is consideration of financial reserves. The Chancellor’s Office recommends districts adopt formal policies to maintain sufficient unrestricted reserves with a suggested minimum of two months of total general fund operating expenditures. See Memo FS 22-03 Fiscal Forward Portfolio and Budget Architecture and Development Recommendations. Provide a copy of your district’s formal policy to maintain unrestricted reserves.


Required Documentation: District’s Formal Policy to maintain unrestricted reserves.

BP 6300 Fiscal Management


Required Documentation: Administrative and Funding Plan Template

Application Question 15 (Response is limited to 12 pages). Provide in PDF Format.

A. Planning
Describe the systemwide planning process that led to the proposed baccalaureate degree.

Master Planning. Please describe how this proposed baccalaureate degree program fits into the mission, curriculum, and master planning of the college and higher education in California, as well as the additional mission to provide high-quality undergraduate education at an affordable price for students and the state.


Cycle 3 Sample Section 17 Master Planning


BP 1200 District Mission

B. Staffing Plan
Provide your staffing plan to support the proposed program. Include a discussion of faculty, staff, and administration

C. Faculty Qualifications
Please identify all faculty who will teach the courses in the proposed program and provide background and qualifications for those faculty who are qualified to teach upper-division courses and continuously improve the curriculum. All faculty teaching upper division courses must have a master’s degree at a minimum. (This is an ACCJC requirement.) (CV’s, Biosketch, certifications, etc. are not required but may be attached as a separate document in response to this question.)


Sample Section 20 Qualified Faculty

D. Support Services


Tip: Include a comprehensive discuss of all support services. Consider including a discussion on:

  • sufficient human administrative support (i.e., adequate faculty, support staff, counselors, student services);

  • necessary financial and administrative processes, including updates to systems (to initiate, maintain, and monitor the proposed program); and

  • sufficient library and learning resources (quality, currency, variety, quantity, and depth).

E. Affordability

Address financial considerations and strategies to ensure the baccalaureate degree programs remain accessible and affordable for students.


Tips: Consider financial aid and scholarships, tuition and fee structures, cost reduction strategies such as open educational resources (OER), grants, partnerships, and fundraising.


Sample: Final Section 21 ZTC and OER Availability

F. Impact:
Include a discussion regarding the impact on the following resources: physical resources; technology; equipment, and financial.


Physical Resources: consider a discussion regarding existing infrastructure to accommodate the needs of the program, potential expansion, renovation, classroom space, laboratories, libraries, and study areas, etc. Consider the following:

Technology: Highlight existing or needed computer labs, software, online learning platforms, internet connectivity, or specialized technology

Equipment: Discuss any need for state-of-the-art equipment and equipment for the program.

Financial: Thoroughly explain and examine the financial implications associated with offering the baccalaureate degree program. Address program development costs, faculty, staff and administrator compensation, funding sources, financial plan

G. Budget

Include a budget that provides evidence your district/college has the capacity to start and maintain the proposed program.


Tip: Include a detailed Administrative Plan with identified facilities, resources, services, library resources, tutoring, student support services, and qualified faculty. Demonstrate a Funding Plan is thoughtful and clear with estimated costs, i.e., funding for faculty compensation, facilities and equipment, and library and other student learning resources.

Use the Budget Calculation Tool to calculate these costs.

Budget Calculation Tool


Sample: Section 19 Administrative and Funding Plans
