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9. Evidence of unmet workforce needs
10. Administrative Funding Plans
11. Chancellor’s Office recommends that districts adopt policies and practices consistent wit the Budgeting Best Practices published by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). Foremost among these best practices is consideration of financial reserves. The Chancellor’s Office recommends that districts adopt formal policies to maintain sufficient unrestricted reserves with a suggested minimum of two months of total general fund operating expenditures. See Memo FS 22-03 Fiscal Forward Portfolio and Budget Architecture and Development Recommendations Please provide a copy of your district's formal policy to maintain unrestricted reserves. *
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General information about the program including upper division and lower division courses
Our college has completed the proposed BDP Description form and understand this form
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This form collects general information about the program as well as lower and upper division courses. This document will be shared with CSU, UC, and AICCU for intersegmental Analysisthe purposes of intersegmental review for non-
Samples: Upper Division Curriculum Approval Process Template Sample Section 24 Curriculum Development and Approval Sample Final Section 23 Industry Standards B. Catalog Description
Strong catalog description with well-defined program goals. Curriculum and achievement outcomes are certain, and pathways are clear with semester breakdown of courses and units. Articulation and alignment are addressed. Include program course sequencing. All baccalaureate degrees offered by a California community college must meet the minimum requirements outlined in this section. These requirements are designed to ensure the baccalaureate degrees are equivalent or superior to other baccalaureate degrees offered by other regionally accredited community colleges or universities throughout the United States. Each degree program must include the following:
Note: Include any opportunities for credit for prior learning.
C. Program Articulation and Transfer Describe how the proposed program allow for students to transition to other associate degree programs or transfer to other four-year institutions if desired. Describe how lower division and upper division coursework articulate to comparable programs or graduate programs where available.
D. Industry Standards Describe how the proposed program aligns with external industry standards and/or is in good standing with any programmatic accreditation certifications.
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The Chancellor’s Office recommends district’s adopt policies and practices consistent with Budgeting Best Practices published by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA)Best Practices published by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA).
Among the best practices is consideration of financial reserves. The Chancellor’s Office recommends districts adopt formal policies to maintain sufficient unrestricted reserves with a suggested minimum of two months of total general fund operating expenditures. See Memo FS 22-03 Fiscal Forward Portfolio and Budget Architecture and Development Recommendations. Provide a copy of your district’s formal policy to maintain unrestricted reserves.
A. Planning Master Planning. Please describe how this proposed baccalaureate degree program fits into the mission, curriculum, and master planning of the college and higher education in California, as well as the additional mission to provide high-quality undergraduate education at an affordable price for students and the state.
Resources: B. Staffing Plan C. Faculty Qualifications
D. Support Services
E. Affordability Address financial considerations and strategies to ensure the baccalaureate degree programs remain accessible and affordable for students.
F. Impact:
G. Budget Include a budget that provides evidence your district/college has the capacity to start and maintain the proposed program.