Objective | Responsible Person | Target Date for Achievement | Action Steps | Measure of Progress | |||||||
1 | Streamline and expedite processes by making greater use of digital forms, signatures, and workflows.
| A. Digital Evaluations Forms converted B. Student Services reviewed, standardized, and converted to Digital Forms; unnecessary forms deleted C. Successful training program launched; 110 of users trained. D. Communication plan implemented through emails, websites, JIRA, job aids, etc. | ||||||
2 | Develop and implement District procedures or modify existing ones to reflect the use of digital forms and other mechanisms that have improved efficiency.
| Fall 2022
| A. Review completed B. Process streamlining plan implemented; improved and updated streamlined digital District procedures and processes; unnecessary steps eliminated C. Transition plan implemented; transition completed D. Revised documentation E. Communication plan implemented F. Documentation disseminated
| ||||||
3 | Identify and implement more efficient ways of operation and/or hire a PeopleSoft expert to aid users in more nimbly using the system.
| Fall 2022-Spring 2023 |
| A. Consulting firm hired B. Analysis completed; recommended strategies identified C. Plan to implement recommendations (timelines and outcomes) formulated D. Recommendations implemented; new/revised business practices and operations in PeopleSoft. E. Communication Plan implemented to include webinars and written communication F. Training documentation and list of professional development activities disseminated G. # users trained | ||||||
4 | Evaluate and update forms and processes used by the College of Continuing Education for transcript evaluation.
| Fall 2022 Spring 2023 |
| A. Review completed; gaps identified B. List of key stakeholders created C. Forms developed and approved ; new/revised processes implemented D. Communication plan implemented through emails, websites, JIRA, job aids, etc. E. Successful training program launched: # of users trained
| ||||||
5 | Develop and implement a routine review process of business practices to ensure continuous use of streamlined/intuitive electronic processes to reduce mechanical steps.
| Continuous—Annual |
| A. Assessment process implemented to evaluate business practices B. Electronic systems and processes implemented as needed C. Communications delivered as needed via emails, websites, etc. D. Training documentation disseminated; # of users trained
| ||||||
6 | Document infrastructural barriers to student success and completion, and develop and implement a plan for resolving those issues.
| Fall 2022 2022 and Spring 2023 |
| A. Review completed B. Barriers identified C. Comprehensive plan developed to resolve barriers to student success and completion D. Procedures and business processes modified in accord with the plan E. Onboarding documentation disseminated F. Communication plan implemented through emails, websites, JIRA, job aids, etc. G. Successful training program launched: # of users trained | ||||||
7 | Provide professional development for all constituencies focused on improved student onboarding and how best to facilitate an excellent student experience
| Spring 2023 |
| A. Resource library of best practices completed B. Onboarding practices revised C. Communication pathways implemented D. Professional development documents/program designed and offered; # of faculty, staff, and administrators attending professional development opportunities E. Communications are implemented through emails, websites, JIRA, job aids, etc. | ||||||
8 | Research and adopt additional best practices for onboarding students (Caring Campus)
| Fall 2022 |
| A. List of SDCCD Colleges using Caring Campus B. Orientation sessions provided C. Documentation of Caring Campus commitments (websites) D. Commitments disseminated E. List of professional development opportunities disseminated; # of participants trained
| ||||||
9 | Assess Board policy and business practices regarding the evaluation of all transcripts, even when a student is not using previously earned credits for their degree, and make changes as the findings warrant.
Fall | 2022 Spring 2023 |
| A. Research completed; repository of best practices and regulations established B. Review completed; gaps identified; recommendations issued C. Updated policies and business practices approved and implemented D. Communications implemented through emails, website, manuals, job aids E. Training documentation disseminated F. Training sessions offered; # constituents trained | ||||||
10 | Develop and implement a stronger communication model, allowing for participation of all in its creation
| Vice Chancellor Educational Services | Launch Fall 2022 Spring 2023 |
| A. Clear communication objectives disseminated B. Primary stakeholders; analysis of their needs and communication preferences completed C. Communication map of constituents and preferred communication methods completed. D. Protocols for strategic partners established E. Message templates, distribution lists, and timelines completed F. Resources and content developed G. Ongoing content delivery documented H. Feedback and improvement mechanism implemented |
Modified Unit Override Process to remove redundancies and streamline decision-making - [1]
Objective 3 - Identify and implement more efficient ways of operation and/or hire a PeopleSoft expert to aid users in more nimbly using the system.
Mark Leenhouts - Academic Advising Consultant (Estimated start date: January , 2023)
Conduct an initial review of the current academic structure and the issues that staff see with this structure. This will include conversations with the evaluation staff responsible for directly maintaining this configuration, but also include others who may be impacted by any changes (such as institutional research and reporting, for example).
Develop a list of recommended changes and identify any expected impacts for your review and discussion
Work with the client to develop a plan for implementing these changes and assist with managing the implementation activities.
Provide additional assistance as needed in other areas as agreed upon by both the client and consultant.
Objective 5 - Develop and implement a routine review process of business practices to ensure continuous use of streamlined/intuitive electronic processes to reduce mechanical steps.
Evaluator Business Process Updated (Fall 2022)
Counselor Manual Updated (Fall 2022)
Future Items:
Pending results of PeopleSoft fit gap analysis
Will continue to review business processes during the monthly Academic Advising and Bi-weekly Student Services Council meetings.
Objective 6
Objective 7
- Document infrastructural barriers to student success and completion, and develop and implement a plan for resolving those issues.
Pending Consultant review of Transcript Evaluation Process:
(Add link to SOW from SIG)
Objective 7 - Provide professional development for all constituencies focused on improved student onboarding and how best to facilitate an excellent student experience
Best Practices
Bakersfield College - Student Success Coaches and “Educational Advisors”
Los Rios Community College District - Student Success Teams
MiraCosta College - https://www.miracosta.edu/student-services/tutoring-and-support/academic-success-coaching-program/index.html
New Onboarding Experience - Link to Guided Pathway Onboarding Process Map https://sdccd.invisionapp.com/freehand/SDCCD-Student-Pathway-LdhK8ieaO?dsid_h=6ecfdbfa90e6f31642413d6d7f32e87f8732f45ea89f6b33802a3a451f66ac6e&uid_h=95379e6c7d8f8d7284c78f092babe4bc2942dfba87df83f07b86e423ba9f39d5
Objective 8 - Research and adopt additional best practices for onboarding students
Caring Campus:
San Diego City College: https://www.sdcity.edu/faculty-staff/committees/classified-senate/caring-campus.aspx
San Diego Mesa College: https://www.sdmesa.edu/about-mesa/governance/classified-senate/documents/Classified Senate Minutes 3.14.19.pdf
Objective 9
- Assess Board policy and business practices regarding the evaluation of all transcripts, even when a student is not using previously earned credits for their degree, and make changes as the findings warrant.
To Do:
CACCRAO Listserv Transcript Evaluation Survey
When do you require transcripts to be evaluated?
When do you require students to submit official transcripts?
What is your average turn-around time for transcript evaluations?
What software/vendor do you use to receive official transcripts? Imaging Software?
Do you automatically clear prerequisites? Who clears them?
How many evaluators does your college have?
What do your evaluators do? (Check all that apply)
Post unit totals
Course-to-course articulation
Prerequisite clearances
Graduation Evaluations
ADT Verifications
Student Headcount
Objective 10 - Develop and implement a stronger communication model, allowing for participation of all in its creation
Communications and Emails